‎Reviews of Dragged Across Concrete • Letterboxd
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  • Cokeley


    M,J. Watched BD in the theatre room.

  • Jair Augusto Soares Corrêa


    The more I think about it, the more I love it.

  • Jaiboue


    Didn't expect this to be so peak.
    Whoever said that this is alt right (or a MAGA fairytale) is insane. This is just what happens when you write (contemporary) opinionated characters and put them in the same room.
    Excellent filmmaking, storytelling, screenwriting. Tightly put together.
    While incredibly cruel at times, a heart does exist. The slice of life elements just make everything hurt so much more, or help with pay off.

  • DBurrBurr


    Damn. Mel’s still got it.

  • tigh66


    Impossible to rate. No idea if this is good or bad. It’s so misanthropic, sadistic, mean, and vicious, but to the point sometimes where it flips over into gross out comedy? At times it seems like there is a message of economic hardships leading to all this (Ridgeman has to face the risk of his daughter being assaulted because he can’t move out of a rough side of town; Henry can’t provide for his family; Kelly Summer has to…

  • Dusty-Wan


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    Капец что-то на моменте с матерью, которая так не хотела на работу из-за сына, но в итоге пошла и погибла стало печально...😢

  • Lindsay


    I've put off watching this one for a while due to the politics around it, and my growing feeling that S Craig Zahler, whilst incredibly talented and hard working, is also in many ways alike to a "just asking questions" internet troll that claims to be apolitical whilst the values displayed across his work betray his thoughts. Personally, the casting of Mel Gibson colours my distaste right from the start and feels like a statement right out the gate.




    I truly do adore this slow burn neo-noir. I feel like Dragged Across Concrete is the yin to the yang that is NWR's Too Old to Die Young. Although one is a cinematic series and the other a long film, both projects have a lot of room to breathe and we therefore get to know the quirks of our characters and the respective worlds the directors are building very well. Zahler is often labeled as a "conservative" filmmaker. I think…

  • taralundrigan


    I can't get enough of Zahler's work; his writing is mesmerizing, with dialogue that almost hypnotizes you. I enjoyed Dragged Across Concrete almost as much as Brawl, though neither reached the heights of Bone Tomahawk.

    The film draws compelling parallels between Henry and Brett. Henry, recently out of prison, cares for his disabled younger brother due to their mother's neglect. On the other hand, Brett is burdened by his wife's multiple sclerosis, and his daughter faces constant danger during her…

  • ant


    Craig Zahler is one SICK bastard. If you’ve seen this you know what parts im talking about (there’s 2). He’s also 2/2 so far because this was a great movie. So many ways to analyze this one, its message and politics always changing, tonal shifts, with faux victimhood a key ideal. Neo-noir that’s at times a buddy cop hangout for many lengthy scenes, satire at times, anxiety inducing other times. Lots of dark humour. And very violent as a heist…

  • Tickis



  • Tim Costa (formerly from the First Time Watchers Podcast)

    I can’t get over how great this script is with its pulpy material. It’s almost like a neo-western novel come to life, giving us a peek at these hardened criminals and bigoted cops speaking a language familiar to each other. He also gives us glimpses of people who have little to do with the arc of the story or plot and their fates may seem like cruel interludes but they all add up to amazing texture. 
    It’s very up front…