1967 Chinese Zodiac | Fire Sheep | Famous Birthdays

1967 Chinese Zodiac

Those born between February 9, 1967 and January 29, 1968 are members of the Fire Sheep Chinese Zodiac sign. If you were born before February 9th, please consult the 1966 Chinese Zodiac, which is The Year of the Fire Snake.

With the influence of the Fire Element, the Fire Sheep becomes the most social and energetic of the Sheep types. The passionate Fire Sheep is known for self-reliance and independence. While other members of the Sheep sign have moderate goals, the Fire Sheep is driven to success. In the face of any obstacle, the Fire Sheep is known to display undying determination. The Fire Sheep is also more impulsive than other members of its sign and is not afraid to explore new, unusual interests. The Fire Sheep also has streaks of creativity, especially appreciating performance. As is the case with all members of the Sheep sign, the Fire Sheep has strong social qualities and is a sought after companion.

Determined and likable, the Fire Sheep has many career opportunities to explore. When embracing their ambition, the Fire Sheep could do well in business, advertising or administration. Similarly, the artistic passion of the Fire Sheep may lead to a career in architecture, design or fashion. Those born under the Fire Sheep sign have been known to win many fans with their passionate performances. This can be seen in the careers of Will Ferrell and Julia Roberts, who were both born in 1967.

Although the influence of the Fire Sheep is largely positive, those born under the sign also have to face some shortcomings. At times, the passionate Fire Sheep may be a bit unrealistic in their pursuits and expectations. As a result, the Fire Sheep can often find themselves disappointed with reality. Additionally, the Fire Sheep has a tendency to be secretive about their passions, only exposing them in small flashes. In order to counter these difficulties, the Fire Sheep is encouraged to develop a balance between their realistic goals and various interests.

The organs of the Fire Sheep is the heart. As a result, Fire Sheep are encouraged to protect and strengthen their vital organ with regular exercise and limited consumption of unhealthy, fatty foods.