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Ad Astra

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Our Review
age 12+

Based on 26 kid reviews

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age 12+

Stunningly bad sci-fi misses the mark by lightyears

I have seen some bad sci-fi before. But this film is so bad that, were it your least favourite film ever, I wouldn’t be able to argue with you. There is some violence in this film, like a slightly gory scene where monkeys kill some people which contains some blood. The most violent thing in this film is probably just blood anyway. However, it doesn’t appear often as the only action sequences are few and lacklustre at best. This film is the epitome of too much talk and no walk. Not that that is always a bad thing; on the contrary, many sci-fis that focus on the emotional and talking side of things are incredible. However in this film it is just dull and the movie doesn’t fell like it gives you a payoff to the small bit of tension it creates. A meaningless and meandering story will leave you with what you started the film with: nothing. 0/10 Don’t give it your time
age 15+

Purposeful; Awe-inspiring; Saturnine.

This title has:

Great messages
Great role models
age 11+

I think my soul died a little watching this

For some reason people think sad music and long speeches of meaningless dialogue, paired with a zoomed in shot of someone's eyeball is sophisticated?? 0/10 would recommend unless you enjoy watching paint dry.
age 2+


great movie only langague is the problem
age 15+

Not Really Recommended

I watched it a year ago, and in my opinion, it's boring. The story is about an astronaut (played by Brad Pitt) 's internal struggles, and I got bored. I was expecting some fight scenes (Like StarWars or aliens attacking kind of stuff) but I didn't get it. Instead I got a monkey that attacked one of the characters, and it's very bloody (also disturbing and disappointing). The other thing that was disappointing for me, is how (SPOILERS) the father of Brad Pitt's character doesn't want to go home and just float away in space and dies. I mean I know that he doesn't want to go home to Earth because he hasn't done his experiment, but I still don't get it. Plus, I don't really get what kind of experiment his doing, so his death is overdramatic. But the good thing is that the special effects and camera shots are really amazing! But overall, I don't really recommend this movie (this is my opinion, so no offense to anyone who has a different opinion from mine)
age 14+


Complex and slow movie. There are still some unanswered questions after the movie ends. The movie theme are family and isolation. I think its a decent movie, not good not bad.

This title has:

Great messages
age 11+

Very Disappointing

I was expecting maybe a little too much when I went into this movie, but I definitely didn't get enough. I was extremely disappointed when this movie ended and didn't feel like Brad Pitt's character had enough depth. There weren't really enough characters and there were way too many questions left unanswered at the end of the film. So I wouldn't really recommend it to anyone, and there isn't too much content to watch out for except for a little violence, that is sometimes gory.

This title has:

Too much violence
age 12+

Out of this world!

Ad Astra is a great space movie, but there is a jump-scare with a space baboon. There is a lot of peril, including a scene where he falls off of a space station above earth, and almost blacks out. Another scene where he is riding in a moon buggy, and there are lunar “pirates” shooting space guns at the buggy. One of my favorite space movies, five stars!

This title has:

Great messages
Great role models
age 13+

Ad Astra Movie Review

I am 13 years old and I recently watched this movie with my family. In this movie, there are at least 3 gory/scary scenes (1. People fall to their death from a tall height, 2) A person is attacked by a wild animal in the spaceship and the audience gets to see their gory remains, and 3) Dead people aboard a spaceship are shown with gory remains.) This movie also did not have a very captivating storyline/plot. I was very tempted to leave in the beginning of the movie. Half of the movie was Brad Pitt staring into space (or daydreaming, as we would call it), and not much action happened. For swearing, there are occasional uses of F* , S*, and Son of a B*. A thorough summary is included below. *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD* What basically happens it that Roy McBride (Brad Pitt) ventures out to Neptune to find his father and the crew that disappeared that is called the Lima Project. The Lima Project was a mission to find extraterrestrial life in space. He also has to stop a Power Surge that threatens the universe. Roy McBride boards ship after ship and then finally reaches Neptune. He also finds out that his father had murdered the entire crew and was all alone. At Neptune, he finds his father and tries to bring him back to Earth. But, his father refuses and goes on into outer space to continue his search and end his life. Roy McBride then blows up the Lima Project to stop the Power Surge and uses that energy to come back to Earth.

This title has:

Too much violence
Too much swearing
age 13+

El drama protagonizado por Brad Pitt no es para niños

Esta era una película que me tenía muy buena pinta, pero que en realidad fue una decepción total. No hay violencia en esta película, pero a los niños menores de 13 o 12 años no les gustará debido a que casi no hay acción y en casi todo momento de la película hay muy poca luz de fondo. También puede resultar un poco dura para vuestros hijos, ya que el protagonista está separado de su padre. Hay partes que los niños no entenderán porque son muy liosas. Puede que te quedes dormido en medio de esta película (como casi me pasa a mí) debido a la poca acción y diálogo que hay. No recomiendo esta película a ningún niño menor de 13 o 12 años.