Setting and background: Learn the difference between these synonyms with RedKiwi


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What is the difference between setting and background?


- Describing the time and place where a story or event takes place. - Referring to the physical environment, such as a room, building, or landscape. - Talking about the context or circumstances that surround a particular situation or event.

- Referring to the history, experiences, or social status of a person or character. - Describing the context or circumstances that lead up to a particular event or situation. - Talking about the visual or auditory elements that provide context or atmosphere in a film, play, or other media.

List of Similarities

  • 1Both refer to the context or circumstances surrounding a particular situation or event.
  • 2Both can be used to provide a sense of atmosphere or mood.
  • 3Both can be used to add depth and complexity to characters or stories.
  • 4Both are important elements in storytelling and media production.
  • 5Both can be used to create a sense of time and place.

What is the difference?

  • 1Scope: Setting refers specifically to the time and place where a story or event takes place, while background can refer to a wider range of contextual factors, such as personal history, social status, or cultural norms.
  • 2Function: Setting is often used to establish the tone, mood, or genre of a story, while background is used to provide depth and complexity to characters or situations.
  • 3Visual vs. non-visual: Setting is often a visual element, such as a physical environment, while background can be visual or non-visual, such as personal history or cultural context.
  • 4Narrative vs. descriptive: Setting is often used in a narrative context, while background can be used both narratively and descriptively.
  • 5Emphasis: Setting emphasizes the physical environment, while background emphasizes the personal or cultural context.

What context can I use each word in?

Learn when and how to use these words with these examples!


The setting of the novel is a small town in the 1950s. [setting: noun]


She spent hours setting up the decorations for the party. [setting: verb]


The protagonist's background is revealed through flashbacks throughout the movie. [background: noun]


The music in the background added to the suspense of the scene. [background: adjective]

Good things to know

Which word is more common?

Setting is more commonly used than background in everyday language, especially in the context of literature, film, and theater. Background is more commonly used in academic or technical contexts, such as sociology or psychology.

What’s the difference in the tone of formality between setting and background?

Both setting and background are versatile words that can be used in both formal and informal contexts. However, background may be slightly more formal due to its association with academic or technical language.


Remember this!

Setting and background are both important elements in storytelling and media production. While setting refers specifically to the time and place where a story or event takes place, background can refer to a wider range of contextual factors, such as personal history, social status, or cultural norms. Setting is often used to establish the tone, mood, or genre of a story, while background is used to provide depth and complexity to characters or situations.

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