Thursday, February 6, 2014


Rick Rack Scarf

This stitch gives a 3D quality to your fabric. You can use any yarn and gauge is not important. What is important is that you have the correct amount of chains/stitches in the beginning to have the correct repeats of the pattern.
The original stitch was used in an afghan with thread as the “yarn” of choice. I obtained the stitch pattern from KnitWits in Boise. She had it printed out from a very old copy and could not find the original afghan pattern, the book, or pamphlet.
Sizes: Recommended hooks for yarns, but not set in stone
Fingering wt. yarn - use E hook
Sport wt. yarn - use G hook
Worsted wt. yarn - use H or I or J hook
This is the basic pattern repeat….7 stitches in a repeat, plus 4, then two for the side chain.

Repeats x 7 plus 4 (+ 2 on the starter chain). The number of total chains depends on your yarn and on your desired width for the scarf. Here are some examples:
8 repeats x 7 stitches = 56 chains + 4 side chains + 2 more (for beg dc) = 62 chains to begin
3 x 7 = 21 + 4 + 2 = 27 chains
4 x 7 = 28 + 4 + 2 = 34 chains
5 x 7 = 35 + 4 + 2 = 41 chains
You can chose to make a narrow scarf or a wide one, and it depends upon your yarn and the amount of repeats, your hook and you! The photo above depicts a three pattern repeat in a size two yarn, with an E hook.
Row 1: DC in 4th ch from hook (counts as first 2 DC). DC in next 2 chains (These 4 DC will be the flat border ends on both sides). *Ch 3, skip 3 ch, DC in next 4 ch. Repeat from * across. Ch 3, turn.
Row 2: DC in next 3 DC (turning ch-3 will be the first dc in every row) *Ch 3, sk 3ch and next 3 DC. Make 4 fpdc around post of the next DC (this will tilt the stitch to look like Rick Rack). Repeat fromacross to last 7 st. Ch 3, sk 3 ch, DC in last 4 DC. Ch 3, turn.

Repeat Row 2 until desired length.
End Row: DC in next 3 DC, ch 1, * sk 3 ch, sc in next DC, ch 3, 3 DC around post of 4th DC.  Repeat from * across to last 7 st, ch 1, sk 3 ch, DC in last 4 DC for edge and bind off.


  1. thanks for sharing - i like the look of this stitch!

  2. Thank you. This is a really nice stitch.

  3. i love texture stitches & your's goes to the head of my list! i've done several rows, but it doesn't look like yours. is there anywhere i can post a pic for you to take a look at it? thanks . . . andy

    1. Are you on Ravelry? I'm ByHook there and you can message me. I don't know how you can post one here…if not Ravelry, maybe you have a blog?

    2. Forgot to say thank you! And to everyone else!!

    3. thank you so much . . . i'll message you tomorrow on ravelry after i take a pic of it in the daylite. . . . andy

  4. I feel dumb but I don't know what you mean by fpdc around post.

    1. Front Post Double Crochet….don't feel dumb. If you haven't had a pattern with it, then no reason you would know. You can find definitions in most crochet books with illustrations and on line, too. I think Lion Brand, Red Heart, and Drops have various tutorials and illustrations that could help you. Never be afraid to ask…and if you need help, let me know!
