Micro 12 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

Micro 12 Review

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Anthrax may be acquired by all of the following methods except

A. consumption of contaminated meat.
B. inhalation of airborne spores.
C. contact with infected animals.
D. consumption of food from vacuum sealed jars.
The toxins produced by tetanus bacilli

A. are endotoxins.
B. induce uncontrolled contractions of the muscles.
C. cause paralysis.
D. are produced under aerobic conditions.
Which one of the following describes the plague bacillus?

A. An aerobic sporeforming rod
B. An anaerobic gram-negative rod with bipolar staining
C. A gram-negative rod with bipolar staining
D. A gram-positive aerobic coccus displaying metachromatic granules
The primary mode of transmission for Rocky Mountain spotted fever is

A. contact with infected animals.
B. sexual contact.
C. bite of an infected tick.
D. inhalation of organisms.
Epidemic typhus is likely to occur where sanitation is lacking and where hygiene is poor because

A. lice flourish under these conditions.
B. contaminated water transmits the rickettsiae.
C. squalid living conditions attract ticks which carry the disease.
D. poor nutrition favors establishment of typhus.
Epidemics of relapsing fever may occur when

A. mosquito populations are high.
B. the initial infections spread to the intestine.
C. lice are present on the victim.
D. the organisms are found to be streptomycin resistant.
Leptospirosis may pose a threat to those who

A. shear sheep for wool production.
B. fail to sterilize canned food properly.
C. work with barnyard animals or household pets.
D. consume raw vegetables.
Two forms of disease associated with Listeria monocytogenes are

A. fetal damage and meningitis.
B. jaundice and destruction of phagocytes.
C. pneumonia and blockage of the gall bladder.
D. paralysis and rose spots.
Various forms of tularemia may affect the

A. kidney, eyes, and skin.
B. conjunctiva, lungs, and skin.
C. brain, spinal cord, and meninges.
D. intestine, gall bladder, and brain.
Endemic typhus may be expected to occur where there are

A. large herds of cows.
B. extensive populations of rodents and fleas.
C. heavy tick infestations.
D. dairy product manufacturing plants.
Anthrax may be treated with antibiotics because

A. anthrax spores germinate into vegetative cells.
B. anthrax spores are susceptible to antibiotics.
C. the spores remain dormant during disease.
D. anthrax only infects the brain.
Infections due to Clostridium perfringens are accompanied by

A. rapid multiplication in leukocytes.
B. intestinal lesions.
C. a red skin rash.
D. gas in the muscle tissue.
The mortality rate for tularemia

A. is higher than for tetanus.
B. is relatively low.
C. has never been determined.
D. is as high as for bubonic plague.
The characteristic fever and rash of rickettsial disease are evident in cases of

A. melioidosis.
B. anthrax.
C. plague.
D. epidemic typhus.
Endemic typhus occurs sporadically in human populations because

A. food is routinely sterilized.
B. fleas are not natural parasites of humans.
C. the organism cannot exist in the body.
D. humans do have the anaerobic environment required.