History of Musical Theatre: Lesson for Kids - Lesson | Study.com
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History of Musical Theatre: Lesson for Kids

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Jenna Conan

Jenna is a fourth grade teacher with a master's degree in instructional design and an undergraduate degree in elementary education.

Expert Contributor
Sasha Blakeley

Sasha Blakeley has a Bachelor's in English Literature from McGill University and a TEFL certification. She has been teaching English in Canada and Taiwan for seven years.

Explore the history of musical theatre to learn more about this popular form of art and entertainment. Discover what defines musical theater, early musicals and opera, the rise of American musicals, and the importance of Broadway theater. Updated: 12/21/2022

If you've ever been to a play or musical, you're probably familiar with musical theater. Musical theater is an art form and type of entertainment that combines acting, dancing, and singing. Musical theater productions, also known as musicals, are performed around the world. From plays at your school to Broadway in New York City, many people enjoy musical theater performances.

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  • 0:04 Musical Theatre
  • 0:25 Early Musicals
  • 1:19 American Musicals
  • 2:19 Broadway
  • 3:11 Lesson Summary

Historians believe that musical theater began in ancient Greece about 2,500 years ago. The ancient Greeks staged comedies and tragedies that included music and dance in open-air amphitheaters.

Greek open-air amphitheater
Greek Open-Air Amphitheater

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The first musical theater performance to come to America took place in 1735, before the United States was even technically a country. Flora, an English opera, was performed in both America and Europe, and is even still popular today.

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Broadway in New York City was originally farmland. As the land was cheap and the invention of the streetcar made it more accessible, it turned out to be the perfect place to build theaters. Some of the most famous Broadway theaters of the early 1900s included the Palace and the Victorian. Some popular comic operas at the time included El Capitan and Robin Hood.

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Let's review. Musical theater began in ancient Greece and has evolved to include a variety of forms over the centuries. These include opera, which originated in the 1700s. The first musical theater performance to come to America took place in 1735. Flora, an English opera, was performed in both America and Europe, and is even still popular today. Burlesque, a new type of musical theater known for its fancy costumes and large dance numbers, became popular. Burlesque shows were mostly parodies, or imitations used to make fun of famous people or plays. The Black Crook was the first modern musical in New York. Modern musical theater began in the mid- to late-1800s, the result of a lot of major social changes, like better-paying jobs, electricity, and transportation. Broadway, known as the ''Great White Way'', entered its Golden Age after the Great Depression in the 1940s. It remains a popular destination for theater lovers today.

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Additional Activities

History of Musical Theatre: Deeper Dives

This lesson taught you all about the history of musical theatre, from its origins in ancient Greece to its popularity around the world today. Check out the following activities to learn more about this famous theatre style.

Deep Dive

In this lesson, you learned about several different historical periods' approaches to musical theatre. Choose just one of them and do some more research into how plays were performed during that time period. What did sets look like? How many actors were in a typical performance? Was there instrumental accompaniment? Write a paragraph based on your findings.

Your Favorite Show

Do you have a favorite musical? If so, this activity is for you. Find out who wrote your favorite musical and when it was first performed. Has it ever been adapted into a film? Has it been translated into different languages? Is it being performed on Broadway right now? If so, who is acting in it? Write your own playbill based on your favorite musical. Illustrate the front cover, add in the actors' names, and write a paragraph about the history and plot of the show. You can choose different actors to play the roles if you want!

The Future

You know all about musical theatre from the ancient past until the present day. Imagine now that it is the year 2179 and you are going to see a musical. How do you think musicals will change in the coming years? What will stay the same? Be creative with this prompt, as there are no wrong answers! Musical theatre in the future could be whatever you want it to be. Write a journal entry as though you are a person in 2179 going to see a musical at a theatre.

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