Kukur Tihar in Nepal - The Festival of Dog - Stunning Nepal

Food and Festivals

Kukur Tihar in Nepal – The Festival of Dog

The second day of the Tihar festival is Kukur Tihar in Nepal also known as Dog Tihar. On this day, Nepali worship Dogs for their loyalty towards human beings. People put Tika, and calendula garlands and offer their favorite meals at this Dog Festival in Nepal.

The dog festival in Nepal is famous around the world, mostly in Western society as this shows the respect and bond between dogs & human beings.

Nepal Police, too do the same kinds of the ceremony on this day of the Tihar festival as dogs contribute a lot during the investigation and bring security to our society.

On the other side, The dog (Kukur) Tihar is also known as Khicha Puja which is celebrated by Newars (Local people of Kathmandu Valley).

Why do we celebrate kukur Tihar in Nepal?

Kukur Tihar in Nepal - Tihar in Nepal

There are certain reasons why people celebrate Kukur Tihar in Nepal. Some of the reasons include:

  1. On the day of Kukur Tihar, people worship and honor dogs because the dog is an animal that is considered to be a loyal and helpful companion.
  2. It is believed that dogs are the protector of the family and guardians of the home.
  3. Kukur Tihar is also a day for people to show their gratitude towards the dogs that are recruited in the police force.
  4. In Nepal, dogs in the police force are highly respected and appreciated for their service to the community.
  5. It is a day when people celebrate the bond/friendship between humans and animals.

Kukur Tihar Quotes

Kukur Tihar Quotes
  1. “The time of Kukur Tihar is a time for reflecting on how humans and dogs can strengthen their bond. It is a time when we celebrate the special bond between humans and dogs.”
  2. “A time for remembrance of the unconditional love and loyalty that dogs have for humans, Kukur Tihar is a festival of love and loyalty.”
  3. “Kukur Tihar is a time to appreciate all the little things that our dogs do for us every day.”
  4. “Kukur Tihar is a time to think about how we can show our dogs, even more, love and care.”
  5. “Kukur Tihar is a special time to let our dogs know just how much they mean to us.”
  6. “During Kukur Tihar, let’s take a moment to remember all the dogs who have touched our lives and who have been loyal friends to us.”
  7. “On Kukur Tihar, let us celebrate the special bond that we have with our dogs, and let us resolve to nurture and strengthen that bond.”
  8. “We celebrate Kukur Tihar with our dogs to show them how much we love them.”
  9. “Let us use Kukur Tihar as a reminder to show our dogs every day how much they mean to us.”
  10. “Kukur Tihar is a time to be grateful for the gift of our dogs and the special bond we share with them.”
  11. “On Kukur Tihar, let us reaffirm our commitment to our dogs and always show them the love and care that they deserve.”
  12. “During Kukur Tihar, we take a moment to remember the joy, goodness, and happiness that our dogs bring to our lives.”
  13. “During Kukur Tihar, let us take a moment to think about how we can make our dogs’ lives even better.”
  14. “Kukur Tihar is a time for us to celebrate the special bond that we have with our dogs and to show them just how much they mean to us.”
  15. “On Kukur Tihar, let us remember all the ways that our dogs make our lives better, and let us resolve to return that love and care.”
  16. “Kukur Tihar is a time to appreciate everything that our dogs do for us and to show them just how much we love them.”
  17. “On Kukur Tihar, let us think about all the ways we can show our dogs how much we appreciate them.”
  18. “Kukur Tihar is a time to reflect on how much we love our dogs and how grateful we are for their companionship.”
  19. “On Kukur Tihar, let us show our dogs just how much they mean to us and how much we appreciate all they do for us.”
  20. “The celebration of Kukur Tihar celebrates the special bond between humans and dogs and shows our dogs just how much we cherish them.”

Kukur Tihar in Mexico

Kukur Tihar in Puerto Vallarta and Mexico City
Source: FB/Kukur Tihar PV

Puerto Vallarta and Mexico City have started to celebrate the Nepalese festival of honoring dogs once a year.

This celebration, called Kukur Tihar, is a day to honor dogs and show them how much we appreciate them. Dogs are an important part of our lives and we want to show them how much we care.

People gather in a park along with their dogs and marigold garlands and celebrate it in a group. They play with their dogs and feed them their favorite food.

The festival was started back in 2016 to spread awareness among people to respect all kinds of animals.

You can also check their official Kukur Tihar PV Facebook Page where they post photos of the Kukur Tihar Festival in Mexico.

The tihar festival is being appreciated all around the globe as it is a unique festival that is celebrated only by Nepali people. Also nowadays people from India have started to celebrate it too.

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At the End

Are you a pet lover, especially a dog lover living outside Nepal? If yes then you can also celebrate kukur tihar once a year. Offer them their favorite treats, and enjoy a day off with them.

Kukur Tihar is a special occasion in Nepal when people honor their dogs. Tihar is a time to clean, decorate, and welcome Laxmi into your home.

Also, during the Kukur Tihar festival show gratitude towards the loyalty that dogs provide. This festival is a wonderful way to celebrate the special bond between humans and dogs.

If you are from Nepal then you can comment on how you are celebrating Kukur Tihar. Also if you are interested then you can also send us photos/videos on our Instagram or Facebook Page.

Happy Kukur Tihar!!!

Dog wearing calendula garlands during Tihar Festival
Suraj Katwal

Suraj is a travel enthusiast who believes in finding solace in the heart of nature. He enjoys exploring new destinations, different culture, and encouraging people to travel.

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