Disneyland Paris Marne/Chessy Railway Station Map - Chessy, Île-de-France, France

Disneyland Paris Marne/Chessy Railway Station

Marne-la-Vallée – Chessy also appearing on platform displays as Marne-la-Vallée Chessy – Parcs Disneyland, is a large combined RER, and high-speed rail station in , France, about 30 km east of Paris, located on the LGV Interconnexion Est opened in 1994.
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Disneyland Paris Marne/Chessy Railway Station Map
Disneyland Paris Marne/Chessy Railway Station
  • Type: Railway station
  • Description: railway station in France that gives access to Disneyland Paris
  • Address: Place des Passagers du Vent, Chessy, 77700
  • Wheelchair access: yes

Notable Places in the Area

, in the suburb of , has the Disney Empire's variant of their archetypal "Magic Kingdom" theme park.

Theme park
Disneyland Park, originally Euro Disneyland Park, is a theme park found at in , France. is situated 520 metres northwest of Disneyland Paris Marne/Chessy Railway Station.

Theme park
is the second of two theme parks built at in , France. which opened on 16 March 2002. is situated 580 metres southwest of Disneyland Paris Marne/Chessy Railway Station.

Localities in the Area

is a commune in the department in the region in north-central . is situated 3½ km southwest of Disneyland Paris Marne/Chessy Railway Station.

is a commune in the eastern suburbs of , . is situated 6 km west of Disneyland Paris Marne/Chessy Railway Station.

is a commune in the eastern suburbs of , . is situated 6 km southwest of Disneyland Paris Marne/Chessy Railway Station.

Disneyland Paris Marne/Chessy Railway Station

48.86991° or 48° 52' 12" north
2.78217° or 2° 46' 56" east
121 metres (397 feet)
April 1st, 1992
Île-de-France Mobilités
IATA airport code
Open Location Code
Open­Street­Map ID
node 241926523
Open­Street­Map Feature
Open­Street­Map Feature
Open­Street­Map Attribute
Geo­Names ID
Wiki­data ID
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Disneyland Paris Marne/Chessy Railway Station Satellite Map

Disneyland Paris Marne/Chessy Railway Station Satellite Map
© OpenStreetMap, Mapbox and Maxar

Also Known As

In the Area


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About Mapcarta. Thanks to Mapbox for providing amazing maps. Data © OpenStreetMap contributors and available under the Open Database License. Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, excluding photos, directions and the map. Description text is based on the Wikipdia page Disneyland Paris Marne/Chessy Railway Station. Photo: Marcin.Z KRK, CC BY 2.5.