Night Chapter 1-9 study guide Questions and answers. Flashcards | Quizlet

Night Chapter 1-9 study guide Questions and answers.

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1. Who is Moishe the Beadle?
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1. Who is Moishe the Beadle?
He was poor and lived in "utter penury." He was awkward and shy. He had wide, dreamy eyes. He teaches Eliezer about Jewish mysticism.
2. How old is Elie when the story begins?
He was 12, almost 13.
3. What connection do Moishe the Beadle and Elie have?
Moishe was like a mentor to Elie. Moishe was interested in religious teachings and had Elie ask questions about religion that Elie had not thought before.
4. When all the foreign Jews were expelled from Sighet what was the initial reaction?
They say, "What do you expect? That's war..." They were fed propaganda that the people who were removed were happy and treated well.
5. When Moishe the Beadle returns, what story does he relate? How do people react?
Moishe tells them about how babies are used for target practice and how they had to dig the graves they were to be buried in. No one believes him and tell him that he's crazy.
6. What is the Jews' initial reaction to the German soldiers?
They think that they're polite.
7. What edicts did the Germans place upon the Jewish community?
• Unable to leave their residences for three days.
• Unable to own gold, jewelry, or any valuables.
• Forced to wear a yellow star of David
• Unable to go to restaurants, travel by train, attend synagogue, being out after 6pm
8. Describe the Ghettos.
It was similar to a town aside from the barbed wire that encircles them.
9. Describe the expulsion from the ghettos.
The smaller ghetto is expelled first and Elie compares the emptied houses to open tombs. Even as the remaining Jews move from the big ghetto into the smaller ghetto, they forget about the previous occupants. Within a few days, the rest of the Jews, including Elie's family, are deported. Packed eighty people to each cattle wagon, the last of the Jews depart Sighet.
10. What does Maria, the former maid, offer to the Wiesel family? Do they accept?
She offered to hide them, but the Wiesel family refused to hide.
Chapter 2
1. What were the conditions in the cattle car like?
The cattle cars where jam packed, laying down was not an option, not even sitting. There was also very little air, the luckiest ones found themselves near a window. It was extremely hot in the train, and everyone was very thirsty.
2. What does this quote mean, "Our eyes opened. Too late."
They realized that they should have listened to the people who tried to warn them that they should have escaped. Now it was too late and they had to accept their fate, not an easy task to do.
3. Describe Mrs. Schachter. What does she keep seeing/screaming?
Madame Schachter saw fire and flames in her vision.
4. What do the other passengers do with this information?
At first, when Madame Schachter began screaming they said she was mad, and made an attempt to calm her down. When calming her down did not succeed, a few young men forced her to sit down and then bound and gagged her. After that once she escaped, she received several blows to the head. Finally, they just decided to give up on her.
5. Why do you think they react this way?
This reveals that human nature is violence. When their very few attempts at getting her quiet without violence failed, they automatically resorted to using it. They also probably were realizing that they should have listened when other people told them they should have escaped previously.