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Related to pyrexia: Pyrexia of unknown origin


fever. adj., adj pyrex´ial.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


A complex physiologic response to disease mediated by pyrogenic cytokines and characterized by a rise in core temperature, generation of acute phase reactants, and activation of immune systems.
Synonym(s): febris, pyrexia
[A.S. fefer]


Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012



py·rex′i·al, py·rex′ic adj.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


A complex physiologic response to disease mediated by pyrogenic cytokines and characterized by a significant rise in core temperature, generation of acute phase reactants, and activation of immunologic systems.
Synonym(s): pyrexia.
[A.S. fefer]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005


A medical term denoting fevers.
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


A complex physiologic response to disease mediated by pyrogenic cytokines and characterized by a rise in core temperature, generation of acute phase reactants, and activation of immune systems.
Synonym(s): pyrexia.
[A.S. fefer]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about pyrexia

Q. High Fever - is it dangerous? high fever over a long period can be dangerous. on the other hand it shows also that your body is working like Superman...

A. the heart surgeon knows, that if he touchs during a heart-operation this sparkle of 96°C, the patient will die. exitus for sure! the problem for the heart surgeon is, that he don't know why it is so. this is the big problem you can have with a doctor who don't know about such things. if you like to know more about this sparkle and why the patient dies, write me a mail and i will share with you a link to read about it. ask me if you don't understand me for what i try to teach you. FEVER is a healing-system nature gave us. Let it work naturally. don't make a tonsillectomy just because some do or because it is a fashion. think first about it. your tonsils have functions and we need them. they are not just decoration. my parents forced me to make a tonsillectomy because they were told to do so because i had many otitis. i would never do it to my kids. i have since 30 years from time to time pain there and i loose some blood. it hurts terribly when it is acute.

Q. What Causes Cough With Fever? Often during winter I become sick with fever and on going cough. What causes it?

A. Cough with fever can be a first sign to many respiratory tract infections with viruses or bacterias, starting from simple ones as the common cold (or "flu") up to more serious conditions such as pneumonia, that requires medical care and medications.

Q. What Treats Cough With Fever? I have the flu and so my entire body hurts, and I can't stop coughing. What type of medications can I buy over-the-counter to help me feel better?

A. Simple analgesics are good for lowering fever and easing pain. As for the cough, there is a question whether or not cough suppressants are actually recommended.

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References in periodicals archive ?
The consideration of generalized lymph nodes enlargement, pallor mucous membrane, pyrexia, pica, coughing and respiratory distress, lacrimation and exophthalmia as the major clinical markers might be pivotal in clinical diagnosis of theileriosis in the field conditions.
Herpes zoster and rash were commonly reported for ZVL, whereas systemic reactions including pyrexia and chills were commonly reported for RZV.
Nausea, headache, increased gamma-glutamyltransferase, depression, flatulence, decreased appetite, peripheral edema, pyrexia.
Migration of pain, continuous abdominal pain and presence of an appendicolith on X-ray, guarding, rebound tenderness, thickened appendixwall, gurgling, neutrophilia, leucocytosis, increased appendix diameter on ultrasound, localized gas deposition on X-ray, bilious vomiting, periappendiceal free fluid, localized air-fluid level, scoliosis to the right side, pyrexia, right lower quadrant tenderness, increased CRP levels, anorexia, and male gender were the other predictors with decreasing OR values, consecutively.
As far as we know, no previous report has described the pyrexia (defined as a body temperature above 38.0[degrees]C, regardless of its duration) after colorectal ESD procedure.
Sales, "Pyrexia of unknown origin and colorectal carcinoma," British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Ed.), vol.
The largest differences in frequencies were for the localized reactions of injection site pain and back pain, and systemic reactions of pyrexia, headache, and arthralgia.
The table 11 shows significant incidence of complications (14.7%) in women with PROM, with puerperal pyrexia (10.7%) as a major cause for maternal morbidity followed by wound infection (2.7%) (Fig.11).
Baker's Yeast Induced Pyrexia Method[8]: Pyrexia was induced in rats by administering freeze-dried baker's yeast as 20% suspension in 0.9% saline (1 g/kg s.c.) in the nape of neck.
The most common adverse reactions in ERd and Rd (>10%), respectively, were diarrhea (59.2%, 49.3%), pyrexia (43.0%, 27.7%), fatigue (40.0%, 34.7%), cough (33.2%, 20.3%), nasopharyngitis (29.5%, 27.7%), upper respiratory tract infection (25.2%, 22.7%), lymphopenia (17.6%, 13.6%), headache (17.2%, 9.6%), pneumonia (15.6%, 12.9%) and herpes zoster (10.0%, 5.7%).
Only 4% of patients discontinued pembrolizumab because of adverse events, including colitis, pyrexia, pneumonitis, and thyroid abnormalities, said Dr.
Conclusion: Morphological and histological examination of bone marrow has definitive role in the diagnosis of pyrexia of unknown origin.