Playing Professionally - USA Volleyball

Dream of the Big Time?

Want to see a new part of the world and make a little money while playing volleyball? Sounds like being a professional volleyball player is the job for you. Here are some tips on how to become a pro player and what to expect when you get there.

Long-Term Athletic Development

Becoming a professional volleyball player doesn’t happen by accident, it takes years of training and hard work. Athletes must build their bodies to withstand the physical toll of high-level volleyball. U.S. Women’s National Team Athletic Performance Coach Jimmy Stitz helps athletes, coaches and parents lay out a long-term plan for athletic development.

The Path Towards Professional Volleyball

“It’s going to be hard, it’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be lonely at times, just being away from family. But, just looking back at my career, I’m thankful for the growth that it gave me. … It’s not going to be easy, but it’s going to be worth it.”

Jordan Larson

U.S. Women's National Team athlete

Tips for Going Pro

Wondering what it takes to make a living by playing volleyball? Current professional and former U.S. Men’s National Team athlete Dustin Watten tells you all you need to know about earning your first contract and, hopefully, mapping out the rest of your pro career.

Becoming a Beach Pro

Prefer beach volleyball? U.S. Beach National Team athletes and current professional beach players have advice on how you can make a living on the beach.

Be Well-Rounded in Your Skills

“Because there are fewer subs [in international volleyball], you have to be able to play defense, you have to be able to pass. To prepare as a young player, learn all the skills no matter what position you are.”

Justine Wong-Orantes

U.S. Women's National Team athlete

Life as a Pro

Life as an Athlete Is Not What It's Made Out to Be

It’s common thought that life as a professional athlete is full of glamour and happiness, but U.S. Men’s National Team athlete Matt Anderson gives a more well-rounded look at what it’s like to work as a volleyball professional.