In November 1947, how did the United Nations try to resolve the issue of Palestine? O It made Palestine an -
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In November 1947, how did the United Nations try to resolve the issue of Palestine?O It made Palestine an Arab nation.
O It made Palestine a Jewish nation.
O split Palestine into two nations, one Arab and one Jewish.
O It returned Palestine to Great Britain.

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The United Nations tried to resolve the issue of Palestine by splitting it into two nations, one Arab and one Jewish.Option C is the correct answer.The United Nations passed a plan for the partition of Palestine in November 1947. The plan was to split Palestine into two separate states, one Jewish and the other Arab. This plan was accepted by the Jewish leadership, but the Arab leadership rejected it. The conflict between the two groups continued, and in May 1948, Israel declared its independence, which was followed by war with neighboring Arab countries.


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O split Palestine into two nations, one Arab and one Jewish.


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