Itchy Bumps on Scalp

Why do I have Itchy Bumps on my Scalp?

The scalp is the outer protective area of the skin that covers your head. It consists of very small follicles that are supplied with many blood vessels, and this is where the hair grows. There are sebaceous glands too on the scalp, and their function is to secrete oil or sebum that keeps the layer hydrated.

The scalp and hair are always exposed to harsh external factors such as pollution, chemicals, dust and many others, and this makes them prone to several problems. Poor personal hygiene combined with these factors enhances the growth of pimples and bumps on the scalp. This problem is common in both children and adults, and it can be very irritating, annoying.

Symptoms of Itchy Bumps on Scalp

Here are some common symptoms of itchy bumps on the scalp:

  • Itchy bumps on the scalp can be scaly, tender, inflamed and sometimes red in appearance.
  • The bumps may appear crusty and sometimes; they might be filled with a pus-like fluid.
  • Most of the time, they are surrounded by greasy and oily skin.
  • People who have this condition experience hair loss around the affected area.
  • If seborrheic dermatitis causes the itchy bumps, the individual might experience red bumps and scaling in other parts of the body like the nose, ears and eyelids.

Causes of Itchy Scalp Bumps

Several conditions contribute to the growth of itchy bumps on the scalp. It is paramount for an individual to identify the cause of the problem so that they can address it accordingly. This way, they will prevent it from spreading.

Here are some of the most common causes of itchy bumps on the scalp:


These are big, itchy and red lesions that are mainly as a result of an allergic reaction. When looking at them, they might look like one big bump, but they are tiny bumps packed together. To get rid of them, the individual should consult a doctor.


Cysts are common causes of small itchy bumps on the scalp. There are two types of cysts: sebaceous and epidermal cysts. These cysts are usually filled with a white, oily and semi-solid substance. When someone has this condition, surgery has to be performed to remove the cysts.


Dermatitis is a very common skin disorder, and its symptoms are easily noticeable. A person with dermatitis experiences inflammation, pus-filled blisters that ooze out fluid and a lot of itching. This affects the scalp and leads to the eruption of itchy bumps. These bumps can be easily infected when in contact with chemicals and pollutants.


It is very easy for the hair to get accumulated with dirt, cell debris and different natural oils. When this happens, itchy bumps form on the scalp. This clogging always enhances bacterial growth, leading to many bumps on the head.


There are several infections such as staphylococcus bacteria, ringworm, chicken pox and psoriasis that cause itchy bumps on the scalp. If they are not treated in time, the bumps spread to other parts of the body.


Several parasites can trigger the growth of bumps on your scalp. Some of these include head lice and scabies-causing mites


Folliculitis is an infection that occurs in the follicles, and bacteria cause it. This infection causes red, itchy and painful bumps on the scalp.

Skin Cancer

Cancer is a common disease that affects any part of the body. When cancer cells grow on the scalp, someone will most likely have itchy and painful bumps on the head. The most affected parts are the areas where the growth of hair is minimal.

Dry scalp

Lack of natural oils on the scalp is a common cause for itchy bumps. Dry scalp can be as a result of excessive use of hair care products and harsh chemicals.

Pictures of Itchy Bumps on Scalp

itchy bumps on scalpPicture 1 – Hard red itchy bumps on scalp

itchy bumps on scalp photosPicture 2 – Itchy bumps on scalp that comes and goes

itchy bumps on scalp picturesPicture 3 – Large itchy bump on top of head

itchy bumps on scalp pictures 2

Picture 4 – Small red itchy bumps on scalp

Treatment for Itchy bumps on Scalp

Itchy bumps on the scalp can be annoying, and if left untreated for a long time, they can trigger worse infections and conditions. It is vital to seek medical attention when you notice them on your head. The doctor will most probably give you some medication. If there are any cysts, surgery will be performed to remove it, together with its content.

  • It is advisable to avoid using harsh hair care products that dry the scalp. People should opt for the mild products that are not harsh to the scalp.
  • Drinking a lot of water will help in detoxification, and this will help treat the condition.

Natural Home Remedies

When you choose to maintain a healthy hair care regimen, you will be able to treat and prevent many scalp conditions including itchy bumps. Here are some home remedies to treat the problem.


Oats are very efficient in treating itchiness and dryness. Use ΒΌ cup oatmeal, lavender oil and some rosemary oil. First of all, mix the oatmeal with some water and soak for some minutes. Mix the oils and the oatmeal then apply on scalp. Leave the mixture on the scalp for half an hour before rinsing.


Lime is an excellent and efficient remedy for itchy bumps on the scalp. The lime should be added in water then massaged into the hair and scalp. Apart from curing itchy bumps, it will treat dandruff and hair loss.

Apple cider vinegar

This is applied after shampooing hair. Use some apple cider vinegar mixed with water as the final wash. This will help get rid of itchy bumps and dandruff.


It is quite easy to prevent getting itchy bumps on the scalp. Here are some tips to help:

  • Always ensure that you take a healthy diet that is rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins. When your immune system is strong, you will be able to treat and prevent bumps on the scalp.
  • Ensure that the scalp is always moisturized. After you have shampooed the hair, massage the scalp using an antibacterial conditioner. The conditioner should be left for 15 minutes before rinsing.


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