Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret Awards |
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Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret Awards

Instructor Bethany Calderwood

Bethany is a certified Special Education and Elementary teacher with 11 years experience teaching Special Education from grades PK through 5. She has a Bachelor's degree in Special Education, Elementary Education, and English from Gordon College and a Master's degree in Special Education from Salem State University.

When a book receives a good review, an award, or another form of recognition, it may make you want to read that book. Read this lesson to learn about the awards given to Judy Blume's 'Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret'.

More than three decades after it was written, the book Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret continues to be relevant - a book that readers can understand and appreciate, and that reflects the readers' questions and ideas.

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Think of all the books that have been written in the last 87 years. Can you imagine how many books that is? A book would have to be quite excellent to be one of the best books written in 87 years! In 2010, the editors of Time magazine made a list they called the All-Time 100 Novels - the best novels written since the magazine was started in 1923. Guess what book appears on the list? Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret!

The book made the list of the All-Time 100 Novels.

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Long before Time magazine made its list, others recognized the value of Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. Several awards for the book came from a very meaningful source - readers in the book's target audience. The book won multiple reader's choice style awards, thanks to children from different states who voted for their favorite books. Here are the reader's choice awards:

  • 1980: Great Stone Face Award from the New Hampshire Library Association
  • 1979: North Dakota Children's Choice Book Award
  • 1976: Young Hoosier Award from the Indiana Media Educators
  • 1975: Nene Award from children in Hawaii

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Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume was listed among the top 100 novels of all time by Time magazine due to its relevant content. The book's appeal to young readers is confirmed by the multiple reader's choice awards it has won.

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