Most Popular African American Baby Names

Most Popular African American Baby Names

Countries with the Greatest African American Influence

The map below is intended to provide a general reference for countries where African American baby names are most frequently seen. It is by no means an exhaustive list of countries with African American influence. Countries with the most influence include United States, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda, Virgin Islands, U.S., Bermuda, Cayman Islands, and Dominica.

Common Themes in Names with African American Origins

This word cloud was created using some of the most common words used in the meanings of names with African American origins.

warrior king one great blessed gods spirit flower strong heart sweet joy life queen being beauty pretty loyal angel goddess leader special funny good born gift strength peace will unique smart wise caring son brave child loving woman you god people light intelligent princess powerful kind love have beautiful nice

Popular African American Names Among Americans

The origin of the names below are determined by users. If you disagree with any of the names, be sure to click the name and submit your vote for the origin you believe to be most accurate.

Boy Names

Rank5 Year TrendNameSince 1880

Girl Names

Rank5 Year TrendNameSince 1880

Last Names

Rank10 Year TrendName2010 Census

African American Names with the Most Interest Among International Users

More Names from Countries Influenced by African American Names

We've included the list below to expand the list by showing even more names that are not listed above. The names below may not be of African American origin according to our users, but they are popular in related countries.

Births for first names are taken from births that occurred in the United States since 1880. From 1880 to 1936, all births may not be included in the original data set. Any totals for last names are the number of people with the last name as of the last US census.

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