What are the long-term effects of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever? - Answers


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  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is the fact that the tick isn't often felt and the person may not think to take a body check or feel through their scalp. It is because of this that many people do not catch the early signs (generally a lightly spotted red rash.) If this is the case then the long-term effect (not caught early enough) involves the brain, spinal cord, causing pain, one sided muscle weakness or deafness. Complications can cause blood clotting and low blood pressure (which will lead to death.) Wear light clothing (ticks are easier to see); NEVER wear shorts and men shouldn't go shirtless, but long-sleeved shirts, cuffs and lapels taped around the wrists and neck. Wear a hat! Don't wear sandals or moccasins, but good hiking boots. Once you have come back to your camp or home, have someone look at your back and base of skull. Check through your hair and brush well, and shower immediately. If you feel you may have the slightest light red rash (even pink in color) go to your doctor immediately or the ER and let them know you were out in a wooded area! Dogs are also capable of coming in contact with these ticks, so brush your dog well after each hike in the woods.

Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is the most severe http://wiki.answers.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=103607-bornehttp://wiki.answers.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=5369in the United States. This disease is caused by infection with the bacterial organism Rickettsia rickettsii.

I hope this information is helpful to you.

Sources: This is where i found this out http://www.medicinenet.com/rocky_mountain_spotted_fever/article.htm

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