Violent Crimes | Definition, Types & Examples - Lesson |
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Violent Crimes | Definition, Types & Examples

Dana Nurse, Jessica Schubert
  • Author
    Dana Nurse

    Dana has taught high school level Humanities courses for over 5 years. She has a Masters in Special Education from St. John's University and A BFA in Writing, Literature, and Publishing from Emerson College.

  • Instructor
    Jessica Schubert

    Jessica is a practicing attorney and has taught law and has a J.D. and LL.M.

Understand what a violent crime is and read its definition. Explore the history of violent crimes in the US and see examples of violence. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What is violent crime and examples?

Violent crimes are crimes that cause harm to another individual or their property. One violent crime example is murder or manslaughter. Another example is arson.

What is a violent crime in the US?

DIfferent countries can designate what they consider a violent crime according to their laws. In the United States, one kind of violent crime is murder. Most countries have this in common.

Crime is defined as any act that warrants punishment as designated by the law of that particular place. Most crimes have an element of intent, but some crimes can be committed even if the individual or group has no intent to commit them. In addition, not all crimes are classified as violent. A parking violation, possession of drugs, or fraud are all examples of non-violent crimes.

A violent crime, on the other hand, is a specific subset of crime in general. Violent crime is defined as one that results in detrimental force being used or threatened against a victim. What constitutes a violent crime varies across countries, and even states. Specific jurisdictions determine their own laws and consequently, what acts breaks them. For example, in France, punching a victim is not considered assault, but in the United Kingdom, it is considered a violent crime. Most violent crimes are felony crimes. Felony crimes are considered to be the most serious crimes and carry a sentence of one year or more in prison.

List of Violent Crimes - Statistics

What is considered a violent crime can change depending on where the act happens. Here is a list of different criminal acts that are considered violent crimes in different countries:

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  • 0:02 Violent Crimes
  • 1:16 Examples
  • 2:26 Lesson Summary

Steel handcuffs police use to arrest perpetrators of violent crimes.


The various types of violent crime have precise, clear definitions in order to make them prosecutable and ultimately, punishable. Here are the definitions of each kind of violent crime:

Violent Crimes Definitions
Homicide The killing of one person by another whether warranted or not
Arson Intentional burning of someone else's property
Rape The forcing of sexual intercourse on another person without their consent
Sexual assault The forcing of a sexual act on another person without their consent
Robbery The taking of someone else's property under threat or use of force
Kidnapping Holding or transporting someone against their will
Negligence Disregard for the safety of others, resulting in their harm
Assault Putting someone in danger or harming someone intentionally

Examples of Violent Crimes

Whether or not a crime is violent can be difficult to determine. Here are some examples of scenarios involving violent crimes:

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Violent crimes have a very specific definition that separates it from ordinary crime. Intentional harm has to be done to a person or a person's property for a crime to be classified as violent. Violent crimes often carry multiple year prison sentences as they are also classified as felonies. These crimes differ in various countries according to their laws, but generally include murder, assault, and rape. Statistics show that violent crimes have declined significantly in the last twenty years, contrary to popular belief.

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Video Transcript

Definition of Violent Crimes

The saying 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth' is one which we have probably all heard at one point in our lives. However, this saying can evoke strong emotion when considering the existence of conflict and violent crime in the world today.

Violent crimes include crimes where intentional harm is inflicted against another individual during the commission of the crime. Additionally, violent crimes can include the threat of intentional harm. The infliction of the harm can include the use of weapons, poison, bodily contact, and more. Most violent crimes are felony crimes. These are considered the most serious crimes and carry a sentence of one year or more in prison.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's statistics, in 2018, approximately 1,206,836 violent crimes occurred in the United States. Additionally, aggravated assaults accounted for the highest number of violent crimes reported to law enforcement, at 66.9%. Moreover, robbery comprised 23.4% of violent crimes, rape accounted for 8.4%, and murder accounted for 1.3% of estimated violent crimes in 2018.

Examples of Violent Crimes

There are various types of violent crimes. Some types of violent crimes include the following:

  • Murder
  • Manslaughter
  • Rape
  • Arson
  • Terrorism
  • Domestic violence
  • Gang violence
  • Kidnapping
  • Robbery
  • Assault
  • Battery

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