Moms of 5+ kids - April 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
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Moms of 5+ kids

What number child did you get the feeling that your family was complete? We just had baby number 4 this past Monday. When we were dating, hubby and I talked about having 6 kids. When we got pregnant this time around, things went great until 27 weeks pregnant and had some complications. After that week, I swore I was done once this baby boy arrived. I even got rid of all our girl clothes that no longer fit our daughter.

Well…here I am struggling so hard to convince myself we are done having kids. Hubby says he’s fine being done, but if I don’t feel complete, is happy to discuss it. Financially, we can handle more. I know for a fact that I would like to wait until this baby is 2 years old before trying again since Ive had 3 kids in the last 3 1/2 years. Am I just riding the postpartum high right now? I delivered unmedicated and this boy was over 9lbs. Definitely more painful than delivering my 7 pounders unmedicated. I feel like I was born to be a momma! Is that weird?? I sit her at night wondering if I’m crazy…when did your family feel complete?

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I have three kids and am pregnant with twins. We’ll have five under five. I don’t think I’ll be done yet either. It’s so *final* to commit to that. My husband and I agreed we would just wait until the twins are two years old before we decide if we want another or not. I’ve also gotten rid of most of our baby boy stuff (twins are identical girls). But I kept my favorites. It’s so tough. Especially because I want a tummy tuck when I’m truly done. But idk when that will be.

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you’re a superwoman! My husband did tell me that he thinks I would have a hundred children if I could. My great grandma had 15 singleton, healthy pregnancies haha, so maybe it runs in the family. I promise I don’t want that many!! Not sure that this little guy is our last. I’ve thought about a tummy tuck too in the future. Best of luck and wishing you a healthy rest of your pregnancy! ❤️

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I want 6 kids currently have 2. We have to do ivf to get our babies though so we have 9 remaining embryos so however many that gets us is how many we will have.

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wishing you the best on growing your family! ❤️ I hope you have the opportunity to have as many as you desire with the 9 embryos you have left!

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This was baby #5. My first 4 were with my ex husband and this is my husband’s one and done. We knew this was the last baby because we do not have space, we don’t have money to afford more kids, and we are older and don’t want to be even older with another baby. Then this pregnancy was super rough. SPD so walking was hard. Gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension turned pre-eclampsia. A delivery at 32 weeks. An ongoing NICU stay. Like… if we hadn’t already decided we were done, we would SO be done.

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awe!!! Big hug. I’m glad you have the feeling that you all are done. I’m sorry you had such a rough last pregnancy and post pregnancy journey this last go around.

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Just had baby #5. Every time I’m pregnant I “ swear” I’m done. I do not like being pregnant. But we are open to more. I would like to wait until she is 2 to try again though. We had the last 3 in 3 years. I also don’t think you have to be “done”. You can be in the wait and see stage for as long as you need.

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Congratulations!! Do you think you will ever have the “done” or “complete” feeling? I’ve been running childcare from my house the last two years since I stopped teaching to try to fill that feeling…but it’s just so different when they are your own child you get raise. However, then I worry about - Am I being selfish wanting more kids when we have 4 perfectly healthy kids now? - My family (both hubby and mine) keeps saying that they stress over my health when pregnant and hope we are done because they thought something bad was going to happen this time around. Ima very petite person and pregnancy isn’t easy on me either, so they constantly make comments…plus only have 2 kids each, so can’t understand why we want more. Idk…I just feel like I have a lot on my mind but can’t figure out my feeling of wanting more. Thank you for your response! Yes! No rush to decide now. We can be in the wait and see phase for awhile.

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we just had #5. I've never had that complete feeling that ppl talk about and I'm already thinking about possibly having #6!? I always tell people we take it one kid at a time and see how our family adapts and manages the changes.

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I have 7 ��

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We just had #5 and we are done. We thought we were done after 4, but I also said if I could have another girl, maybe. Then we got a surprise and got pregnant with baby 5 and it was a girl. We knew we’d be done because of space and also just feeling like we were at our max with what we could handle. I also really enjoy my teaching job, and putting more than 2 kids in daycare wouldn’t make sense financially. To top it off, I had a rough last pregnancy with some (minor) complications. I ended up with an emergency c-section after having 4 vaginal births, and that confirmed we are done. I got a tubal done during the c-section, so we are done done.

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hey! I am in such a similar situation! I was supposed to have a mid May baby so I’m new to this group. I had our little girl on April 28th emergency c section due to placental abruption. It was my first c section after 4 uncomplicated vaginal births. How did you feel about this happening to you? This was supposed to be my last baby. I am so INCREDIBLY grateful for my healthy baby and I am also really struggling with how it all happened. It messed with my closure to have the last baby in such a traumatic situation. Could you please tell me how you coped?

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oh no! Sorry to hear you had a similar situation! I was so sad and super bummed I couldn’t have one last vaginal birth experience. It’s helped now that I’ve healed more physically. I’m 4.5 weeks PP and feeling more like myself, so that has helped emotionally too. So, maybe time? It gets hard when I struggle with other things too- like if baby has a bad nursing session or won’t stop fussing. Then my mind goes to “nothing this pregnancy or with this baby is going well or how it should.” But then I just try to remember that God has a plan for everything, even if it’s not my plan. And just keeping a “this too shall pass” mentality. My husband has been super supportive, and he knew the minute we decided to move to an emergency c-section that I’d have a hard time, physically and emotionally. I also have some friends that have had similar situations, so talking to others has helped.

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I was done after 4 but now we have 5 and husband got a vasectomy done I told my husband that I just can't put my body through another pregnancy again I've had 3 high risk pregnancies back to back I had placental abruption in my 3rd delivery, gestational hypertension in my 4th and placenta not attaching deep enough which caused her to keep dropping percentiles

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