We're Not Really Strangers (Couples Edition) Flashcards | Quizlet

We're Not Really Strangers (Couples Edition)

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What was your first impression of your partner? How did you feel?
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Terms in this set (36)
What was your first impression of your partner? How did you feel?
When your partner talks about someone of the opposite gender, how does that make you feel? Why?
What is your partner's most defining characteristic(s)? What separates them out from others?
What advice or words of wisdom would you give your younger self? Would you teach them any lessons? Why? Share with your partner.
Do you feel as though you have changed an aspect about yourself for your partner? Is it a good or bad thing?
Name one of your partner's pet peeves
What do you feel is the hardest part of dating you?
What is your most toxic trait that you both can admit to? Compare answers.
Do you believe that you have seen your partner at their absolute best and their absolute worst? How do you know?
WILDCARD: Open up your music streaming app and click shuffle. Explain the meaning of the first song that comes on
What is your partner's love language? Does it match yours? If not, how do you make it work?
What is something your partner does that you wish they didn't? Why?
Come up with 3 things that you find most important in a relationship. Compare with each other and explain why they are important.
Tell the story of your first kiss! Who was it? How was it?
Name things that you consider cheating. Compare with your partner.