Watermark Photos - Add Watermark to Photos for Free | Canva
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Watermark photos to protect your work

Protect your photos and digital artwork from theft and unauthorized use. Add a watermark to your photo for free and prove your ownership at a glance.

Create a custom watermark

Add Watermark to Photo Feature Card 1

Make sure your brand gets the credit it deserves. Create a free, custom watermark for your photos, artwork, and promotional materials to let people know who they’re looking at. Use any identifying markers for your brand, including your logo, name(opens in a new tab or window), mascot, or signature. Customize the font and choose from our extensive font library. Then, download your watermark to use for all your photos.

Sign your work in seconds

Add Watermark to Photo Feature Card 2

Use our simple drag-and-drop tool to add your watermark to any photo. Resize the watermark to fit the image and place it anywhere on the picture. Rotate(opens in a new tab or window) it as needed or tilt it to any angle to match your photo. You can also customize the opacity of your watermark to fit the look of your photos or digital artwork.

Watermark all digital work in one place

Add Watermark to Photo Feature Card 3

With a Canva account, your working files are automatically saved online—including the watermark you created. Easily add watermarks to all your photos and digital projects for free, using any device, anytime you need to.

How to watermark photos

How to watermark photos
Watermark a photo

Open Canva or download our free mobile app on your phone or tablet.

If you don’t have a watermark yet, explore dozens of ready-made watermark designs you can personalize by typing “Watermark” or “Logo” in the search bar. You can also create a custom photo watermark from scratch. Start a new project, then use Canva’s text tool and extensive font and media library. Save it as a PNG logo or image with no background. If you already have a watermark file, simply upload it to the editor.

Upload the photo you want to watermark. Then drag and drop your image file onto a blank editor.

It’s time to add your watermark to the photo. Upload then drag the watermark to the corners or splash it prominently on the center of the image. Adjust the appearance of your watermark and resize it as needed. Change the opacity to make it semi-transparent or fully opaque. Or copy and paste the watermark as many times as you like on your photo.

Download your newly watermarked photo. Save it as a PNG, JPG, SVG, or even PDF file.
Watermark a photo

Frequently Asked Questions

Download our free mobile app to add a watermark to photos using your phone. On the app, upload the image and the watermark file. Open a project, drag and drop your photo, then place the watermark anywhere on the image. You can lock the main image so you can freely edit the watermark (size, opacity, etc.) without accidentally editing the photo.

Adding watermarks to photos and artwork is an easy but effective way to protect your intellectual property. Intellectual property includes the pictures you take or designs you produce. By watermarking your images and digital artwork, you show that they belong to you.

Watermarks make it harder for strangers to copy your work. In addition, watermarking your images helps customers and potential clients remember your brand.

Watermarks are any signifier that shows the creator or owner of an image or print. Even simply writing your name on your work can be considered a form of watermark. But for those looking for a more creative or professional-looking watermark, consider using your logo or signature. You can also create a new watermark design from scratch using the fonts from our font library.
Quotation mark
@canva is such a life changing tool! One of the most well thought out websites I've ever seen. I use it to showcase my work with the community and it never ceases to amaze me! Kudos for all the love and effort you've put into its development! #canvadesigns


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