Great War Centenary: Was 'jihadist' Serbia a rogue nation? | WWI | News |

Great War Centenary: Was 'jihadist' Serbia a rogue nation?

POOR SERBIA. The country used to be "Plucky Little Serbia", the southern European mirror image of "Plucky Little Belgium", a small country that stood up to Teutonic bullying in the Great War.

feature, great war, centenary, serbia, balkan, austria, hungary, world war one, terrorSergeant-Major Flora Sandes was the only British woman to serve in the Serbian army [GETTY]

So deserving a cause was Serbia in the 1914-1918 war that British medics flocked to attend to the Balkan nation's soldiery.

You could barely move around Serbia's mountains during the Great War without bumping into English roses in nurse's uniform, quite a few of them former suffragists and suffragettes. Flora Sandes, daughter of a Croydon vicar, even put down bandages and took up arms by enrolling in the Serbian Army as a soldier. She won Serbia's highest award for valour on the battlefield and was the only British woman to serve in combat in the war.

Yet history writing is as susceptible to whims as the rag trade and nowadays pundits galore insist that the Serbia of the First World War era was a terrorist "rogue state", the Iran of its day. So, was Sergeant-Major Flora Sandes an unwitting jihadist?

Was the "terrorist state" of Serbia to blame for the First World War, by allowing the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire?

No, no, no. There are two mountain sized problems with the modern "revisionism" whereby Serbia becomes the Bad Guy of the Great War. First, the Kingdom of Serbia, which had existed only since 1882, was not a terrorist state la Iran.

True enough, Serbia was "interesting", in the sense of the Chinese curse: "May you live interesting times". In particular, there was a clique in the Serbian army around Lieutenant-Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevic that was up to no good.

Called Apis for his bee-like work ethic, the hulking Dimitrijevic was a villain straight out of central casting. In June 1903 he had organized a military coup against the Serbian royal family.

In a land not famed for squeamishness the coup was judged notable for its bloodiness; King Alexandar and Queen Draga were butchered, riddled with bullets, stabbed with bayonets, hacked with an axe, partially disembowelled, and their faces mutilated beyond recognition.

The solution to the Serbian problem is one of the horror stories of the Great War

The regicides then tossed the bloody, half-naked bodies of the king and queen out of the royal windows into gardens, more trying than it sounds for the royal personages were so sheened with gore it was akin to trying to get hold of greased pigs.

Still, one has to admire Dimitrijevic's facility for plain writing, which was worthy of a Crystal Mark for clarity; the oath he devised for his fellow conspirators, with regard to the king and queen, included the clause: "We shall murder them and to that effect affix our signatures."

IT WAS also true that Dimitrijevic, as head of Serbian military intelligence, ran the ultra-nationalist Black Hand society which supplied Gavrilo Princip with the Browning that killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Yet the smuggling of some pistols and teenagers over a border to assassinate one archduke hardly equates to the global terrorism of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, or Tehran's puppetry with Hamas and Hezbollah.

More to the point, Dimitrijevic was not the Serbian government. Headed by the venerable Nikola Pasic, with a beard whiter and longer than Santa Claus, the Serbian government was emphatically opposed to the Black Hand's hardline Serb expansionism.

When Prime Minister Pasic got wind of the plot to kill Franz Ferdinand he tried to close the borders of Serbia to prevent Princip and his guns getting out. Pasic may have warned Vienna of the assassination attempt.

So polar was the disagreement between the Black Hand and the government that Apis was later tried for treason, a crime that earned him an appointment with a firing squad.

The last thing Serbia wanted, weakened and worn out by the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, was to antagonise Austria-Hungary.

It is worth pointing out, too, that Serbia had a democratic and liberal constitution. Unlike Iran.

The other problem with trying to pin the black hat of guilt on to Serbia is that it lets Austria-Hungary off the hook. After all, if Serbia was a terrorist state, like Iran or Afghanistan, then the Austro-Hungarian Empire was justified in dealing with it in draconian fashion.

Was Vienna sincere in its claim to be dealing with Serb "terrorism" though? To find out, let's listen at the door of the Austro-Hungarian Ministerial Council on the Sunday morning of July 19, 1914.

During this meeting at the Strudlhof Palace in Vienna, the private residence of the Foreign Minister Leopold Berchtold, the Ministerial Council agreed the terms of an ultimatum to be sent to Serbia.

In a nutshell the ultimatum, technically a "note with a time limit" or "befristete Demarche", required Serbia to suppress any terrorist smuggling of arms and personnel into Austria-Hungary and to allow representatives from Austria-Hungary to enter Serbia to close down terrorist movements. All clauses were to be acquiesced to within 24 hours.

This ultimatum, it is breezily suggested by historians of the Serbia-was-a-terror-state persuasion, was mild. Therefore, by definition, Serbia's subsequent refusal to accept the ultimatum was unreasonable, just the sort of thing a rogue state would do. Quod erat demonstrandum.

Hang on, let's go back and put our ears to the door of the Strudlhof again. There is no talk of preventing Serb "terrorism", only interest in crushing an upstart nation.

Morality never enters the room, only Realpolitik. The ultimatum is not intended to eradicate terrorism, it is designed solely to provoke war: The terms are drafted in such a way that Serbia can only reject them, because what the ultimatum truly requires is that Serbia hands over control of her judiciary and police to Emperor Franz Josef.

And what nation is voluntarily going to surrender its sovereignty? Indeed, so anxious is chief hawk Berchtold of the ultimatum being watered down that he barely allows discussion of the document.

The truly damning proof of Austro-Hungarian chicanery, however, is further down the Council's agenda. If you listen hard you can hear the War Minister, von Krobatin, agree to start writing up the mobilisation orders for the army, so war can begin as soon as the 48 hours is up. The possibility that Belgrade might agree to the ultimatum is never entertained.

Serb "terrorism" caused Vienna no angst at all. What worried Berchtold and the Austro-Hungarian elite was Serb expansionism. During the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, Serbia had almost doubled its territory. For the Dual Monarchy that was too much already.

Austria-Hungary's solution to the "Serbian problem" was truly terrible, and constitutes one of the horror stories of the Great War. After declaring war on Serbia, Austria-Hungary invaded. Anton Holzer, an expert on the subject, explains what happened next: "There were countless and systematic massacres carried out against the Serbian population. Soldiers invaded villages and rounded up unarmed men, women and children.

They were either shot dead, bayoneted to death or hanged… Women were sent up to the front lines and mass-raped. The inhabitants of whole villages were taken as hostages and humiliated and tortured." The perpetrators were Austro-Hungarian troops.

The excuse for the killing of civilians was that they were "partisans" engaged in guerrilla warfare; an echo of the pretext the German army used for its violence against the people of Belgium. Postcards on sale in Austria applauded the cruelty; one card announced "Serben, wir hau'n euch in Scherben" ("Serbs, we will hack you to pieces") over the picture of a Hapsburg soldier kicking Prime Minister Pasic into a pot, another simply stated Nieder mit Serbien ("Down with Serbia"), with a fist crushing Serbia into a wasteland ruled by the grim reaper.

Life matched this crude art. A neutral observer, the Swiss criminologist Dr RA Reiss, was on hand to record Austro-Hungarian war crimes in Serbia. According to Reiss imperial soldiers stated in 1915 that they received official orders to massacre Serb civilians and that "everything was permissible".

The invasion of Serbia by Austria-Hungary also introduced a silent killer: typhoid, transmitted inadvertently by Austrian PoWs. Around 100,000 Serb civilians and up to 35,000 Serb soldiers died in the resultant epidemic.

One way or another, Serbia's losses in the Great War were greater, proportionately, than any other nation: 62.5 per cent of Serbian males aged between 15 and 55 died between 1914 and 1918. Research by Russian demographer Boris Urlanis suggests 728,000 Serbian wartime deaths, of which just 278,000 were military.

It makes one wonder: Perhaps the description "terror state" is best suited to Austria-Hungary?

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