Jürgen Mettepenningen

Jürgen Mettepenningen
Charles Deberiotstraat 26 - box 3101
3000 Leuven
room: 03.03

+32 16 32 45 97

In February of 2008, Jürgen Mettepenningen obtained his doctorate at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven. His dissertation concentrated on Piet Schoonenberg’s presentation and considerations concerning theological tendencies of renewal of Catholic thought in France during the 1930s and 40s. His postdoctoral research was centered around the developments within Catholic theology between Vatican I and Vatican II, with special emphasis on the so-called nouvelle théologie. On the latter he published, in May of 2010, a monography entitled Nouvelle Théologie – New Theology: Inheritor of Modernism, Precursor of Vatican II (London/New York: T&T Clark).

From August of 2010 until November of 2010, he was the spokesman of both the Archdiocese Mechelen-Brussels and the Belgian Bishops’ Conference. Then he was employed as a consultant at CEDER, the center of studies of the CD&V, the Flemish Christian democrats. At the moment he is Director of the Department Identity of the vicariate Education at the Archdiocese Mechelen-Brussels.

He is also guest lecturer at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven (since August of 2010). As a member of the Research Unit of Pastoral and Empirical Theology, his work focuses on both the place and the task of religion – particularly Christianity and the Roman-Catholic Church – with regard to the public area and the Christian identity. In addition to his academic publications, he published six books in Dutch on the identity and relevance of the Church.

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