VIRTUOSITY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

Meaning of virtuosity in English

(Definition of virtuosity from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

Examples of virtuosity

It arose in the wake of punk, which sought to sweep away what its proponents saw as the empty virtuosity of rock dinosaurs.
Perhaps there is more virtuosity than contemplation in the genuine solo verses.
His sonatas show great concern with virtuosity of the bow, alternating sequential patterns with the articulation of ornaments.
Extreme vocal virtuosity, expression, and attention to nuances of vocal timbre, for example, are traits prized by both operatic and rock singers.
If moral accomplishments do not rise to virtuosity, they are valueless for salvation and therefore offer no reward.
The propagation of the devil-at-the-crossroads myth serves a greater purpose than simply ' hyping up' or trumpeting the skill and virtuosity of the performer.
Another issue is improvisation and expressiveness, which often relate to virtuosity but do not totally depend upon it.
Mead brings a virtuosity to these works that is not often heard.
Looking at draped architectures, what one sees is the display of extravaganza, impetuousness, and technological virtuosity.
In each of these three mappings, we get a different gesture, hence a different virtuosity and also different limits.
The exploitation of word refrains opens the way to a high degree of technical virtuosity and imaginative display in the vernacular.
Their playing showed an uncanny responsiveness and unity of ensemble, and a brilliant but self-effacing virtuosity in the service of profound musicality.
Why then have historians consistently tended to argue that there was a great discontinuity between seventeenth-century virtuosity and eighteenth-century connoisseurship?
First, it showed him to be a competent architect among his peers and one capable of feats of technical virtuosity.
Both are masterworks which, delivered in performances of transcendental virtuosity, take an honoured place in the inexhaustible mainstream of musical humanism.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

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virtuosismo, virtuosidade…
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名人芸, (演奏、演技などの)高度な技術 after 名人芸…
virtüözlük, ustalık…
بَراعة فَنِيّة…
trình độ điêu luyện…
kehebatan yg luar biasa…
die Virtuosität…
virtuositet, kunstnerisk dyktighet…
virtuosismo, virtuosità…
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