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victoria aitken pop singer
Victoria Aitken . . . 'My father used to be quite racy in his time' . . . Photograph: Martin Argles
Victoria Aitken . . . 'My father used to be quite racy in his time' . . . Photograph: Martin Argles

Question time: Victoria Aitken

This article is more than 14 years old
Hannah Pool
The pop singer on switching to dance music, writing sexy lyrics – and what her father Jonathan Aitken makes of them

Your second single is out now. How's it doing?

It's getting loads of plays in clubs around England, and it's on the radio in various countries – New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Sweden. It's really surprising and I'm really happy it's taking off.

When I heard you were doing dance music I thought it was a joke.

A lot of people say that. It's not a joke for me. I've always been into writing stuff. For me it has always been about the lyrics, so I write those first. I don't take myself really seriously, I do it because I enjoy it. I have fun writing the lyrics, writing the tune. I put it out there and I see what happens.

It's not an ironic thing? All my lyrics have a twist of irony to them. Vicky From The Yacht is also quite sarcastic.

Vicky From The Yacht is a riches-to-rags tale?

Yes, it is. My father [Jonathan Aitken] was a politician, as the Guardian knows, so I guess I grew up in a certain environment, then my father went to jail and we lost everything. I was inspired by the song Jenny From The Block.

What are some of the lyrics from Vicky From The Yacht?

I can sing you the song. [Starts to sing] "Living off daddy's plastic was so fantastic, just got a J.o.b. what a misery, I just wanna break free." There are quite sexy undertones to it. There's one line that's, "I've got holes in my underwear, do you think he's gonna care, but if he snickers he can buy me new knickers." And the same with I'll Be Your Bitch: "Down on the floor, begging for more, I'll keep your jealous mind entertained."

Has your father heard your music?

Yes, he's heard both the songs. He said he quite enjoyed them. My mother is quite cool so I played her the different versions of I'll Be Your Bitch and she gave her input and advice at various stages.

What happened to you after the trial?

I was at my first year at university when it all happened. I was quite lucky because I was in America, so I wasn't here in the midst of the whole thing. I just worked really hard at university in America. I left Georgetown and moved to New York. I've been writing – journalism, a few TV shows, and done a few films as an actress.

Have you forgiven your father?

Absolutely, yes, I have forgiven my father.

Some people might be quite surprised that you're doing an interview for the Guardian.

I'm surprised too. Who would guess that the Guardian would be interviewing me? [Aitken's downfall was triggered when he sued the paper for libel.] So I'm very grateful.

You don't hate us? No. I love the way you have a really strong arts section, and my father writes for you sometimes.

Did you get very depressed about what happened?

It was difficult – my parents divorced, my father was in jail, totally bankrupt: all the checks in the boxes that were bad happened in the space of a couple of months. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Do you ever wish you had a different surname?

No. I'm very happy to be Victoria Aitken.

But when you pitch yourself as a serious musician, the name must be problematic.

Sure. But I don't think it's because of being specifically Jonathan Aitken's daughter. I think it's more a case of being a Conservative politician's daughter. How can somebody with that background do this profession?

Who are your musical influences?

Loads. I listen to all kinds of music. I love Ace Of Base – their beats are amazing. And Mika. I listen to loads of dance stuff, and Madonna. Rock stuff as well. Bryan Adams I like – he writes really good lyrics.

Is yours a kind of Sloane disco?

I guess so. That's a good way of describing it. I never thought of it like that.

Has your dad seen you play live?

No, he hasn't.

Would you like him to?

Sure. I'd love to do a live thing in this country.

Your father has been quite vocal about finding religion. Is that a big part of your life?

I would say I'm spiritual, I believe in karma, but my father is more classically religious than I am.

Did he have an issue with the title I'll Be Your Bitch?

No. My father used to be quite racy in his time, so I don't think he's that shockable.

Victoria Aitken's single I'll Be Your Bitch is out now.

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