The Meaning Behind The Song: From the air – remastered by Laurie Anderson - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: From the air – remastered by Laurie Anderson


The Meaning Behind The Song: From the air – remastered by Laurie Anderson

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Duration Producer
From the air – remastered Laurie Anderson Laurie Anderson Big Science 1982 Avant-garde, experimental 4:28 John Hanlon

The Meaning Behind The Song

“From the air – remastered” by Laurie Anderson is a captivating piece of music that delves into the thoughts and experiences of a narrator who finds herself in an airplane in the midst of an emergency landing. The song, originally released in 1982 as part of her album Big Science, takes the listener on a journey through fear, introspection, and ultimately, empowerment.

With her distinctive spoken-word style, Anderson’s lyrics transport us directly into the mind of the protagonist. She vividly describes the airplane’s descent, emphasizing the chaos and confusion that arises during moments of crisis. Lines like “We’re gonna hold in our arms till we can’t feel our fingers” and “Listen, listen, it’s like a funny radio” paint a picture of a surreal and uncertain environment.

Beyond the immediate experience of the emergency landing, “From the air – remastered” explores deeper themes of vulnerability and the human connection to technology. Anderson reflects on the fragility of life and the realization that we are constantly reliant on machines to keep us safe and in control. This dependence on technology is highlighted in lines such as “Raise the window with a yellow hand” and “Watch the big hand and the little hand / Rise and fall”.

The song also touches on the loneliness that can accompany such moments of crisis. As the narrator peers out of the airplane window, she observes people going about their daily lives, oblivious to the imminent danger she faces. This juxtaposition emphasizes the isolation that can occur even in the midst of a crowded world.

Laurie Anderson’s “From the air – remastered” resonates with me on a personal level. It reminds me of a particularly turbulent flight I experienced several years ago. As the plane rattled and shook during heavy turbulence, I couldn’t help but question my own mortality. It was in that moment of vulnerability that I realized how much trust we place in technology and the individuals operating it.

The song captures the mix of emotions that I felt during that flight – the fear, the uncertainty, and the surreal experience of being trapped in a metal tube hurtling through the air. The lyrics, paired with Anderson’s distinctively haunting voice, evoke a sense of urgency and intensity, mirroring the emotions I felt at the time.

However, as the song progresses, it transforms from a narrative of fear to one of empowerment. The narrator finds solace in the voice of air traffic control, who becomes a guiding presence in the midst of chaos. This shift in perspective reflects the resilience of the human spirit and the ability to find strength even in the most challenging of circumstances.

In conclusion, “From the air – remastered” by Laurie Anderson is a thought-provoking and introspective song that explores the fear, vulnerability, and resilience we experience during moments of crisis. It serves as a reminder of our reliance on technology and the fleeting nature of life. My personal experience with this song only further emphasizes its power and ability to transport listeners to a place of introspection and contemplation.

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