UNTHINKABLE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

Meaning of unthinkable in English

(Definition of unthinkable from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
(Definition of unthinkable from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Examples of unthinkable

In fact, in the 1960s open criticism of the leading defenders of 'the law of development' became almost unthinkable.
There was even a television-broadcast debate on this controversy,19 which previously would have been unthinkable.
He looked at me in surprise ; to him it was unthinkable that someone would not believe.
The odd hexagon or octagon extends the principle further, but departure from the technical method is unthinkable.
Canons require their own others, texts that are both within and without, to think the unthinkable within their disputed domains.
Such an alternative vision was made unthinkable through the obliteration of certain evocative places.
If tolerance of established race and gender inequalities is considered to be wholly unacceptable, any policy which further institutionalises such practices must surely be unthinkable.
They both came to inspire apparent fantasies of immortality in their subjects, who found it simultaneously exhilarating and unthinkable to imagine living without them.
Were this not a fundamental assumption, the idea that a leitmotif recurs for musical-formal reasons in defiance of text would be unthinkable.
In other countries too, such parties have made inroads unthinkable not long ago.
Leaders have been known to make an art of ' 'thinking the unthinkable' '.
If chiefly aggrandizement was unthinkable, so was chiefly accountability : a chief could hardly be held personally accountable for property which belonged to the stool.
What had previously been unthinkable suddenly became feasible.
The emerging rail system made travel possible with a speed unthinkable in earlier times.
By the time of his death it filled over a thousand pages ; publication had long been unthinkable.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Translations of unthinkable

in Chinese (Traditional)
難以想像的,不可思議的, 難以想像的事件(或局面)…
in Chinese (Simplified)
难以想象的,不可思议的, 难以想象的事件(或局面)…
in Spanish
impensable, inconcebible…
in Portuguese
impensável, inconcebível…
in more languages
in Marathi
in Japanese
in Turkish
in French
in Catalan
in Dutch
in Tamil
in Hindi
in Gujarati
in Danish
in Swedish
in Malay
in German
in Norwegian
in Urdu
in Ukrainian
in Russian
in Telugu
in Arabic
in Bengali
in Czech
in Indonesian
in Thai
in Vietnamese
in Polish
in Korean
in Italian
考えられない, ありえない…
düşünülemez, tasavvur edilemez, imkânsız…
impensable, inconcebible…
இதை கற்பனை செய்து கூட பார்க்க முடியாத அளவுக்கு அதிர்ச்சியாக உள்ளது.…
अकल्पनीय, अव्यावहारिक…
વિચારી ન શકાય તેવું…
tdk dapat dibayangkan…
ناقابلِ قیاس, ناقابل تصور…
немислимий, неуявленний…
невообразимый, немыслимый…
జరుగుతుందని ఊహించలేనంత దిగ్భ్రాంతికరమైనది…
غَير وارِد…
tidak terpikirkan…
không thể tưởng tượng nổi…
nie do pomyślenia…
상상도 못할…
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