University — University of Ferrara


One city, one campus

In 1391, a century before Christopher Columbus discovered America, Ferrara already had its own university, holding courses in the arts, theology and law. Today, after more than six centuries, the university where Copernicus and Paracelsus studied, is the only campus in the world enclosed by nine kilometres of medieval walls.

Extraordinary attractiveness

Within these walls, every year, 20,000 students prepare themselves for life and work, discover who they are and what they want to take with them into the world. About 80% of them come from other Italian regions and a steadily increasing percentage from abroad. This attractiveness is mainly due to the extremely high level of satisfaction of those who have spent such important years here for their education: 90.2% of graduates declare they are satisfied with their experience in Unife (Alma Laurea 2019).

Ferrara is a city made for studying. This historic centre can be crossed by bike from one side to the other in only a few minutes, and it is so beautiful, intact and compact that Unesco has declared it a World Heritage Site. 

Among laboratories, libraries and gardens

Here, quiet gardens become open-air study halls, Renaissance palaces host fully-equipped laboratories, and even squares and clubs become places to intertwine and cultivate relationships that can last a lifetime. 

Here, in fact, study is nourished by everything that makes people grow as people: theatre, a lively cultural life, sport, opportunities to meet and have fun. In a people-friendly city, All these things fit perfectly into the pace of the daily life of a Unife university student. 

The University of opportunities

Unife provides all the conditions to discover what you want from yourself and from life, to try to fulfil your ambitions and dreams. Careers guidance that starts even before enrolment and continues right up to the threshold of employment. 60 study paths. Open-minded and helpful lecturers and tutors. Affordable taxes that reward commitment and merit. A city with a sustainable cost of living. A welcome that goes far beyond the absence of any kind of discrimination, to meet the needs and iron out the difficulties of each individual. 

Looking towards the world of work with an open mind

In Unife, every student is fully aware that he/she is welcome, cared for, considered and valued for who he/she is. That is why he/she feels free to express him/herself to the best of his/her abilities and to let his/her talents flourish. This is why he/she completes his/her studies with an excellent preparation and an open mind, the quality most in demand in the world of work.

Ex labore fructus is the motto of our University. The world of work rewards those who graduate from Unife: according to the 2019 Alma Laurea Report, 8 out of 10 graduates one year after graduating have already found employment, which is significantly higher than the national average.