Academic Programs – USC Viterbi | Undergraduate Admission Skip to main content

Academic Programs

The possibilities are endless

Engineering is the enabling discipline of our time.

Your solutions for the problems facing our future society will improve and enrich life for us all.

Engineers solve problems. The problems you want to solve affect us now and in the future, and are multidisciplinary at their core. The future doesn’t fit neatly into single disciplines, and tomorrow’s engineers shouldn’t either. We offer 10 engineering disciplines and 30 engineering degree programs for you to choose how you want to approach these complex problems. No matter what you choose to study, you will be where innovation happens.

Our undergraduate degrees are ALL four year engineering programs.  Explore all 30+ major options below, and you will see that each major is laid out with four years, and no summers, of classes.  You will jump right into your engineering curriculum, but with flexibility.  Your first year you’ll take 3-4 engineering classes, including a specific intro course to your major and a broader course called Freshman Academy, where you will explore the big ideas in engineering.  Every semester you will have mandatory, career focused academic advising to make sure you’re on track for where you should be and where you want to go.  And, if after your first classes you decide you want to be a different kind of engineer, changing majors just requires a meeting with an advisor and your signature.  If you’re admitted to one of our engineering programs, you are admitted to all of them.  No major is easier or more difficult to get into than any other, and none of the programs are impacted.  Also, Viterbi has essentially the same admission rate as USC, so applying as an engineer gives you no disadvantage.  We want to provide you with all the tools and flexibility you need to succeed as an engineer.

Listen while you scroll!

Viterbi Majors Playlist

Check out all of our podcast episodes related to the 10 different disciplines (and 30 different undergraduate majors) that Viterbi offers. Whether it’s Dr. Soibelman discussing the Civil and Environmental Engineering department’s unique approach to research or Dr. Spedding explaining the difference between Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, this playlist was made for you.

Viterbi Voices: The Podcast is your chance to hear stories about research, classes, student life, and more directly from our faculty, students, and other members of our engineering community. Click the link below to see the rest of our episodes!

Engineering Disciplines

Take some time to explore all of your interests.

Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering

 Design for Movement

Astronautical Engineering

 Build for Beyond.

Biomedical Engineering

Help Others Live Better.

Chemical Engineering

Make the Stuff of Tomorrow.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

 Design. Build. Improve.

Computer Science & Computer Engineering

 It’s Way More Than Coding.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Power Up.

Industrial & Systems Engineering

 Engineer Better Businesses.

Undeclared Engineering

 It’s Okay If You’re Not Sure.
