"Top Gun: Maverick," the latest film in the Top Gun series released in 2022, is a film about the per.. - MK
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Han Wooram
Input : 
2024-04-19 17:30:10
"Top Gun: Maverick," the latest film in the Top Gun series released in 2022, is a film about the performance of ace pilots bombing uranium enrichment facilities in a hypothetical enemy country. Considering the international situation in which Pia frequently changes since the end of the Cold War, hypothetical countries have mixed various settings so that no country is specified. But one hint is clear. It is an F-14 Tomcat fighter owned by a hypothetical enemy country. There is only one country in the world that has F-14 except the United States. It is Iran.
The bombing in "Top Gun: Maverick" was constructed by referring to the bombing recorded in real history. The 1981 airstrike on the Osirik reactor in Iraq is a reference book. The airstrike on the Osirik reactor began with an ultra-low air flight of 30 meters at an altitude to avoid the detection of anti-aircraft missiles and radar, which were densely deployed around the reactor. Soon after, a flight was made to raise the altitude sharply to avoid Iraqi air defenses, and another dive was made to bomb. It is very similar to the super-difficulty bombing maneuver in Top Gun: Maverick.
The airstrike on the Osirik reactor was successful in cooperation with the two countries. The main characters are Israel and Iran. The two countries, which have recently been bombarded with each other, are right. Israel is in charge of the last nuclear strike, and Iran, which borders Iraq, carried out the preliminary bucket bombing for the strike. In history, Iran was one of the main characters of airstrikes, but in the movie, it appeared as a set virtual country under airstrikes.
There is no eternal friend in international dynamics. Israel and Iran, which jointly bombed Iraq's nuclear facilities, turned to enemies after the collapse of the Hussein regime in Iraq. What is Korea like? All neighboring countries are powers, and there is a precedent of invading us. It is best to be as close to neighboring countries as possible. However, the reality is that whenever the regime changes, anti-Japanese and anti-Chinese sentiment has been mixed and heightened. Amid such mixed reactions, Chinese experts have recently been shunned in Korea, regardless of whether they are private or public. Once collapsed, rebuilding a human network is costly. You should look long and have a sense of balance.
[Reporter Han Woo-ram]

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