30 Fun Things To Do With Your Friends Without Spending Much - LifeHack
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30 Fun Things To Do With Your Friends Without Spending Much

Michelle is an explorer, editor, author of 15 books, and mom of eight.
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Socializing with friends is one of the best ways to spend your leisure time and improve your mental health. If you are used to spending a lot of money on the weekends doing fun things with your friends, we are here to tell you that you can still have lots of entertainment without wasting your resources.

Developing a saving habit will enable you to achieve financial independence and other important financial goals more quickly than you imagine. After all, you don’t want to work so hard only to spend it all with your friends over the weekend.

No matter where you live, there are cheap fun hobbies and plenty of places to visit with your friends.

If you are having trouble finding hobbies to do at home or convincing your friends to do things on the cheap, this article is for you.

Here is the list of the 30 fun things to do with friends you need to try.

30 Fun Things To Do With Friends Without Spending Much

1. A dinner party

Host a  dinner party and ask everyone to bring a dish to share. If you don’t enjoy cooking, maybe try and learn how to cook a new dish together with your friends. The fun with friends is guaranteed!

dinner party
    Credit: Stephanie McCabe via Unsplash.com

    2. Host a spa day

    Enjoy home spa and bond with your friends even more. Give each other manicures. Try out new hairstyles. Make some facial masks or exfoliates using natural, at-home ingredients. Then drink homemade mimosas.

    3. Movie marathon

    Log into Netflix and watch every episode of “Stranger Things” Or do an ’80s movie marathon, watching “Pretty in Pink,” “The Breakfast Club” and all of the old favorites. Don’t have a Netflix membership? Get the free trial just for the movie marathon!

    Prepare snacks and refreshments, and the cozy evening with your friends can start.

    4. Pinterest party!

    You know all of those cool Pinterest crafts you are planning to do for a long time? Well do them.

    Organize a craft party with your friends and make up some of those DYI  projects you’ve been dying to try! It’s an unexpensive fun and you will have a great time.


    5. Go to the park

    One of the great things you can do to have fun with friends is to go to the park.

    Organize a picnic. Spend some time in the nature. Relax, restart and fuel your batteries. Watch people and enjoy casual talk with your friends. We promise, you will do this more often than you imagine.

    go to the park
      Credit: Mason Dahl via Unsplash.com

      6. Have an organization party

      Help out, have fun organizational party. Set up a day of each weekend where you can visit each others houses and help your friends to clean their closets, rooms, a garage, or garden. Serve drinks and food and trade stuff among yourselves.

      7. Hold a yard sale

      After all of that cleaning, why not hang out together and make some extra cash too?

      Organize a yard sale, earn some extra money and spend quality time with your friends.

      8. Concerts in the park

      All summer long, many parks host free concerts.

      Go with your friends. Hang out, bring snacks and drinks. This is a very relaxing way to chill out on a hot summer night after work.

      concert in the park
        Credit: Perry Avgerinos via Unsplash.com

        9. Volunteer together

        Offer to do the yard work for the local senior center or hang out with the kids at the YMCA.

        Beside you serve the community, after a few hours of volunteering together, you will have a new respect and bond for your friends and something new to chat about.

        10. Play board games

        Dragging out Scrabble or Yahtzee is one of the most interesting and fun things to do with friends. You can hang out and play all sorts of games with large groups or small ones. Hold a tournament and compete against each other.

        Here’re some board games ideas.

        11. Video game tournament

        Not into board games? OK. Well, how about a video game tournament?

        Whether it’s the latest dancing game or “Call of Duty,” playing against each other and awarding prizes (or food) to the winners is one of the best cheap hobbies for you and your friends.

        12. Go fishing

        Apart from fishing being an easy hobby, it will help you and your friends learn a lot from each other. There’s nothing more fun than watching your friends breaking their rods or getting slapped on the face by fish.

        go fishing
          Credit: Jakob Owens via Unsplash.com

          13. Grab a ball and a bat and go play baseball at the local park

          Grab a ball or a tennis racket.

          Most parks have courts and fields you can use for playing baseball, basketball or tennis. This is great way to spend time with your friends, and at the same time to do something healthy and good for yourself too.


          14. Go to yard sales

          Cruise around your town together and visit a yard sale.

          You will have a great fun finding cool and interesting stuff. Maybe you could even buy something, fix it and resell it.

          16. Go to the school play

          This might cost a little for admission, but it’s a great way to support your community and have a fun time.

          17. Find some cool trails around your town and go hiking

          This is great way to spend quality time in the nature and also to bond with your friends.

          18. Go dumpster diving

          Yup. You heard it right!

          Check out the dumpsters in your area and see what you can find. You might be surprised!

          Don’t forget “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.

          Here are some tips for respectful diving.

          15. Iron Chef night

          No matter if you like to cook or not, this is one of the great fun things to do with friends.

          Visit an Iron Chef night where you cook dinner out of only the items in your pantry. It’s fun and useful, and no buying anything!


          19. Go camping

          Beside fishing, camping is also a cheap and fun hobby that you could enjoy with your friends. You’ll get to share stories around the campfire and build strong relationships.

          go camping
            Credit: Victor Larracuente via Unsplash.com

            20. Get out the bikes and bike everywhere for a weekend

            Apart from seeing the beautiful mountains and dealing with muscle burns, riding has a social side that makes it more fun. The best part is, you won’t spend a dime and you’ll conserve the environment while having fun.

            Block time, wear comfy clothes and prepare for the best fun time you can do with friends.

            21. Dig out the old croquet set — or borrow your Mom’s — and play croquet

            Have you ever played croquet?

            It’ll be fun to try new fun things to do with friends. The laugh and entertainment is guaranteed.

            22. Swap movies and music

            Have everyone bring over a box of old movies and CDs they don’t want anymore — or don’t watch anymore. Then swap with abandon.

            23. Go on a walking tour of your town

            Most towns or cities have a historic district. Find out if your home town has a walking tour available. If not, make one up!

            It will be interesting to find out all the historic stories behind the streets, parks or churches. And it would be definitely something you’ll be talking for days.

            walking tour in the town
              Credit: Free Walking Tour Salzburg via Unsplash.com

              24. Scavenger hunt

              Put your friends to the test — yes, this is for grown-ups — to find different things in your city…like a certain bike rack, a vintage sign, that sort of thing.

              The winner gets a dinner cooked by the losers.

              25. Find out when the free days are at your local museum or zoo

              Most of the museums or zoo’s have one free visit day. Find out when that is and visit them with friends.

              It’ll be great fun.

              26. Sew a Quilt Together

              No, you don’t have to be fancy — or old — for this. Grab some old T-shirts that you love, old jeans and shirts. Cut them into squares and sew them together.

              You can create a few same quilts. Your friendship will become even deeper.

              Who knows? Maybe it will become a regular thing you do together?

              27. Go to Open Mic night

              In your town there’s likely an open mic night.

              Get drinks, play your favorite songs and have the great time together.

              28. Go to a religious service

              Even if you’re not religious, going to a service in an unfamiliar religion can be enlightening and a great way to meet new people, and bond with your friends.

              29. Find a swimming hole

              Head to the old town swimming hole — or find a new one.

              What a great way to spend a lazy afternoon with friends.

              swimming holes
                Credit: Fernando Meloni via Unsplash.com

                30. Start a book club, card club (canasta anyone?), sewing club or scrapbooking club

                Do your friends share the same passions with you? Great idea is to start book, card or any  other club.

                This is a great reason to organize monthly gatherings, learn new things and make your friendship last.

                Final Thought

                To make your friendships last and have fun things with friends, you need to find hobbies to do at home with your dearest friends. After all, there is more to life than just your day-to-day job and boring routine. Cheap hobbies will enhance your creativity and improve your physical and mental health.

                You don’t really need to spend much to have lots of fun with your friends! Pick a few of these ideas and start trying them out this weekend with your friends!

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