The Todd Rundgren Connection

The Todd Rundgren Connection contains information about the musician Todd Rundgren.

about The Todd Rundgren Connection
A section/article that has been updated in the last two weeks.
A section/article that has been updated in the last 24 hours.
Click on a section name to reveal the list of articles (keep index open)
The Ballad of Todd Rundgren
Todd's bio and historical information.
Looking for Something/Anything about Todd? Chances are, you'll find it here.
A Wizard, A True Star
A review of Todd's technical accomplishments.
Your guide to other external and Todd-related information.
Just starting out on the Road to Utopia? Stop here first.
Hermit of Mink Hollow
Check out Todd's early and continuing experiments in video and keep up with his TV appearances.
Back To The Bars
Concert & release information and reviews, playlists, photos and schedules. Be sure to check out the fan review project.
The Ever Popular Tortured Artist Effect
Interviews and other articles with the wizard.
A look back
Nearly Human
A Collection of TR noises for your computer.
2nd Wind
Outside projects and productions and the continuing evolution of Todd's career.
No World Order
Some studio tricks, flubs, interactivity and that International Feel.
the Individualist
Information on Todd's first enhanced CD recording
With A Twist
Information on Todd's Bosa Nova release, ... and a bit of humor
One Long Year
Important Dates in Todd History
Todd and the Covers plus, favorite series from Utopia Times and Black and White