Free History Timeline Template & Examples | EdrawMind

History Timeline Template

If you want to define and present a specific chain of events in a particular phase, you can use the history timeline template.
History Timeline Template

About the history timeline template

If you want to define and present a specific chain of events in a particular phase, you can use the history timeline template.
A history timeline highlights key events in history and tracks along with a horizontal view. To put it into context, a history timeline represents the data, defined through tables, graphics, and lists where they are all jotted down and sequenced in chronological order.
A historical timeline can come in broad and very specific concepts. A general historical timeline might have a concept that deals with the entirety of human history, citing significant eras and dates. Meanwhile, a specific timeline can focus on just a few years, like World War II between 1939 and 1941. Other timelines might tackle political events and wars.
The following sections will glimpse a history timeline example that you might want to use or have as a reference.

More History Timeline Examples and Templates

As you can see, timelines can be customized and can be drawn for custom purposes. Below will be some of them.

AI History Timeline (Vertical Timeline)

Since a history timeline tackles the chronological series of events, you can use a vertical timeline format for an artificial intelligence (AI) history. When using vertical timelines, information and other details are laid out starting from the first event at the upper part of the page or diagram, while the last part will be at the bottom. As with AI history, important years and milestones in the technology industry can be classified on each level using a vertical timeline, from how it was in 1942 and how it came to be today.
Since the vertical timeline allows you to highlight milestones in the evolution of artificial intelligence, your audience will get a good grip of its history, with just short descriptions of every milestone, instead of reading a whole book about AI history.
Also, a vertical timeline is helpful for project managers when preparing work plans for a client. It could also be arranging a series of significant events in your company.

iPhone History Timeline (Winding Timeline)

This winding history timeline is also called the zigzag timeline. This structure is similar to the roadmap diagram. While the vertical format is ideal for visualizing the timeline, you can also experiment and take a risk in using the winding diagram. This is for those people who are comfortable with designing infographics.
The history timeline template above is not about the iPhone but the person who invented the iPhone. Regardless, you can use the diagram to formulate the evolution of the iPhone from the first one developed in 2007 until today. Since you can play with infographics, images, and other elements on the diagram, you can put pictures of the iPhone then and now to emphasize how much it has changed over the years. Besides highlighting its milestones, the winding timeline format can also emphasize crossroads as the pivoting road turns.

Viking History Timeline (Winding Timeline)

This is another history timeline concept where you can exercise your creativity. Using the winding history timeline template lets you explore a realistic timeline on a flat 2D structure.
Viking history consists of a long list of milestones; however, it is an exciting concept since you can add images and other infographics on your diagram to represent each significant happening in its history.
The winding timeline is also used in business to provide a single reference point to ensure everyone in the team has a mutual understanding of the organization's goals. While it can be true that this type of history timeline structure basically runs for business projects, you can also never go wrong in using this to illustrate history effectively.
Apart from this road-like template, you can opt for other winding diagrams that you are most comfortable with. One beneficial thing in using the road-like template is that you can emphasize significant events in Viking history by placing pins.

History of Japan (a complete tree map-based timeline)

As mentioned in the previous paragraphs, a history timeline can be as specific as a significant happening in history or as broad as the history of a country.
As complicated and lengthy as the history of Japan, you need a channel to simplify everything to understand the country’s history better. As you can see in the example above, Japan’s history is illustrated in a treemap with images and few descriptions for every significant part of the history.
Tree Mapping, in its essence, is a data visualization approach to show hierarchical information nested in shapes like squares and rectangles. The good thing about a treemap-based timeline is it provides the organization of branches and sub-branches on each part of history. This is very effective, especially when you need to include additional events in a year.