‎Reviews of There Will Be Blood • Letterboxd
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  • Emil Woerner


    Man, going back to this film is always like a breath of fresh air. I’m not surprised I loved it as much as I did last time, but I clearly was long overdue to see it again.

    There’s a lot that stands out on this third watch, but I really can’t get over the mesmerizing first 20 minutes, and the brutal final 20 minutes. What’s in between the prologue and epilogue is a beautiful Bresson-esque tale of how Daniel drains…

  • jobims


    Just amazing to watch such perfect embodiments of greed and pride, depicted through pursuits of wealth and religious fervor. The master manipulation used on both sides through different means, leading up to a head-to-head clash which finishes their silent rivalry that lasted decades. What's not to like? Yes PTA/Daniel Day-Lewis/Paul Dano are amazing but what really got me was the score that just rocked every second it was in. Phenomenal movie that needs to be rewatched.

  • Julia Kupiec


    Never loved 3 hours of watching someone just destroy their life and soul more

  • Mason🔥


    Shoutout to @Jace Fye for the recommendation! 

    Honestly thought this was great. Kinda slow in some spots here and there but it didn’t really bother me that much. Felt so easy to follow. It was a really interesting story of control and greed and how it can go downhill really easily. Control and greed can lead to destruction or even insanity in one man’s mind. It’s domination vs religion. Faith vs Power. Not much to say but I can’t end…

  • brxmill09


    Easily the best acting from a single person ever

  • Yada242


    This one’s actually about ambition. Absolute drainage. I need someone in my life to drink my milkshake.

  • Ian Benham



  • Moiz


    Something about Paul Dano getting the shit kicked out of him that makes every movie he's in memorible.

  • EddieLonghurst


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    Daniel Plainview, such an insidious character. His ambition is charming, but the layers of greed and hatred surface (no pun intended) and boil up throughout the movie. Until it burst at the very end. Sensational from Daniel Day Lewis.

  • Arthur Soarezs


    Eu tava rindo muito na cena da pista de boliche, mas aí o Daniel arrebentou a cabeça do Eli e meu sorriso foi sumindo lentamente kkkkkkkkkkkk

  • Fonsi🐻


    Pedazo de actuación se marcó Daniel Day-Lewis, lo que le valió el Oscar. Dota a su personaje de múltiples capas, pasando de un estado inicial en el que parece una buena persona que quiere emprender un negocio fructífero, pero poco a poco vamos viendo todas sus caras hasta los momentos finales en los que se rebela lo deleznable que realmente es.

  • ExcaliMax


    No la entendí al principio pero después de una revelación está película es de las mejores creadas en la historia