Term Paper: Song Imagine by John Lennon Imagery, Metaphor | 3 pages, MLA, Words: 1064

Song Imagine by John Lennon Imagery, Metaphor Term Paper

Pages: 3 (1064 words)  ·  Style: MLA  ·  Bibliography Sources: 1  ·  File: .docx  ·  Topic: Music

¶ … Song "Imagine" by John Lennon [...] imagery, metaphor, sound, tone, and words of the song. John Lennon's song about world peace has become an anthem for many. It discusses a perfect world without war and with understanding. It is a simple song, but it has deep meaning inside its simple structure. Lennon captured the essence of the peace movement in the 1960s and 1970s in the song, and it remains one of his most enduring and best-loved songs.

Imagine" is full of vivid imagery. Lennon wants the listener to imagine a better world, and the words bring out that image in the mind. He writes, "Imagine there's no countries / It isn't hard to do / Nothing to kill or die for / And no religion too / Imagine all the people / Living life in peace..." (Lennon). The imagery of the poem is in its ability to allow the listener to imagine and visualize these things, and what they would mean for the world. If all the people could "live life in peace," life would be much different for a majority of people in the world. Imagine what that would be like, to have true peace around the globe. It is a tantalizing picture, and a vivid image that the song brings to mind.

Lennon also uses imagery in the chorus, which refers to him as a "dreamer," and that image seems to fit his character, at least his public character. The song is a direct reference to his own beliefs and desires, and so, the imagery of the dreamer refers to himself and to his hope for the future. When the song plays, it is easy to conjure up an image of Lennon, singing the song and hoping for the future. In fact, the very image of the dreamer continues through the song, and is a clue to the listener that dreams are important, and they can influence life.Download full
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TOPIC: Term Paper on Song Imagine by John Lennon Imagery, Metaphor, Assignment

There is not a lot of metaphorical use in the poem, because Lennon's images are more concrete, rather than comparisons to something else. However, in the chorus, Lennon writes "And the world will be as one," which is a metaphor for a new world filled with understanding and "one" people. Thus, the world changes and becomes something else, and this is a metaphor for change and the uniting of the world. The image of the dreamer throughout the poem could be considered a metaphor, as well. The dreamer represents Lennon himself, and so, throughout the song, the dreamer represents Lennon and his own thoughts.

The sound of this song is quite simple - as simple as its words. Lennon sings the opening of the song accompanying himself on the piano. It is not until the second verse that some uncomplicated orchestration joins him, including a drum and guitar. The melody is very plain, which helps bring all the attention to the words of the song, because they are the true center of the work. Beginning with the piano solo indicates the simplicity of the song, which is very important for its message. Lennon was capable of writing very complex works, as many of his other songs illustrate. He kept… [END OF PREVIEW] . . . READ MORE

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Song Imagine by John Lennon Imagery, Metaphor.  (2006, December 11).  Retrieved April 12, 2024, from https://www.essaytown.com/subjects/paper/song-imagine-john-lennon-imagery-metaphor/370484

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"Song Imagine by John Lennon Imagery, Metaphor."  11 December 2006.  Web.  12 April 2024. <https://www.essaytown.com/subjects/paper/song-imagine-john-lennon-imagery-metaphor/370484>.

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"Song Imagine by John Lennon Imagery, Metaphor."  Essaytown.com.  December 11, 2006.  Accessed April 12, 2024.