The Strange Case of Sherlock Holmes and Arthur Conan Doyle (movie) | Baker Street Wiki | Fandom
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The Strange Case of Sherlock Holmes and Arthur Conan Doyle is a British TV movie written by David Pirie and directed by Cilla Ware produced by BBC aired on BBC2 on 27 july 2005, starring Douglas Henshall as Arthur Conan Doyle.


Set between 1892 and the early 1900s, the movie is an exploration of the family past which drove Arthur Conan Doyle to create the world-famous detective and then to kill his creature. The movie depicts Conan Doyle's relationship with his interned father, his dying (first) wife Louisa, the meeting with his (future) second wife Jean, and the pressure put by his mother and his editor Greenhough Smith to write more Sherlock Holmes stories. Conan Doyle confide his intimate souvenirs to a fictional biographer, Selden, which is in reality himself.
