So, What Is The Reaping?

The Reaping or Harvest is sometimes falsely called The Rapture of the Church. You may have seen movies about the rapture, such as The Reaping movie or the Left Behind movie or maybe you’ve read one of the books in the Left Behind Series by Tim Lahaye or heard a last days prophecy or rapture prophecy of some kind. Whatever the case, you’re probably trying to understand this event called the Rapture in the bible. To get a clear definition of reaping or to define reaping as it relates to what is often portrayed as a scary event and to answer questions like when is the rapture? What is the rapture? Is there a Biblical rapture? How will the rapture in the Bible happen? Is it a sign of the end of the world? ironically, one cannot look to traditional doctrines for the answers to these questions. For instance, when we look to the Bible to try to find clues to this event of the end times, we do not find the word rapture in Bible terms. The confusion surrounding the rapture and other Biblical prophecies for this and other reasons, is great, and therefore, has become a hindrance to the truth.

Your Search To Understand The Reaping Is Over

Yes, I know, that sounds like a bold statement. But what if I told you that I can, as a certainty, explain to you this event? At this point in your search, would you even believe it? Be honest. With all of the ridiculous documentaries blasted through your television screen, meant to distract you from the truth and with so many 'best-selling' books written by 'scholars' and 'professionals' who are good at hypothesizing but not all that good at providing viable answers, would you be too jaded at this point to believe that you really could understand the Reaping or Rapture, even if the truth was right in front of you?

Let Me Introduce Myself

My name is Dr. Scott mcQuate and I am a published author, intrepid researcher, lecturer and exegete (I uncover what's beneath ancient languages). I've been on many (dozens) of radio shows across the world and my first book, Blueprint For Bondage is now read in over 40 countries.

In late 2008 I was the featured guest on one of the most popular, well-known, worldwide radio/tv shows in the world today. The show was slated for one hour, but we did it for more than three. The show was so well-received that they had me back on by popular demand as the first guest of 2009, (which, I am told, is a very unusual occurrence for that program), and we ended up doing three shows all together. This is just one example of the response that comes from my research because it is highly-unique and resonates with those that are hungry for truth. (And I didn't even talk about the exciting information you are about to read! This is information that has never been released before.)

I grew up in a religious home and most of my education followed suit. All through my undergraduate studies and even into my PhD, I was bothered by one question that has brought me to the place I am today; why couldn't the Teachers, Pastors, Scholars and University Professors ever answer the tough questions? I remember asking myself, if they can't answer these all-important questions after all of their education, what good has it done them? There is no worse feeling than to sit in the front row of your classes with the best of intentions and be let down over and over with one weak answer after another to the questions that you thought were very important. (And it's even more difficult when you see everyone around you accepting those answers as the truth!)

Can you relate?

If you're like most people who are serious about finding the truth, you've read books, or listened to interviews and set your DVR to record anything remotely related to your topic of interest and yet you've just not felt like any of the answers satisfy that deep, abiding hunger for truth. Am I right? This is because people like you crave real answers and you've got a truth-o-meter embedded in the middle of your brain that acts like a lie detector that gives you that sinking feeling when the 'scholars' start to speak their rhetoric. You understand what I mean. I know you do. It's the 'oh, here we go again with the disinformation or propoganda nonsense,' and you think to yourself, 'how many different ways can these people 'spin' the same old lies?!

I feel your frustration.

Seriously. I would rather hear nails on a chalkboard than lies, especially lies told behind the smile of a trusted 'expert' or under the guise of truth. It's not only frustrating, but immoral and a bit condescending, isn't it?

Just hang on a little while longer, your patience has paid off.

My Committment

Back in the year 2000, I had reached my limit. I had gotten the 'there are some things we're just not supposed to know' answer for the last time. At that point I embarked on a personal journey into the truth and committed to finding it. To begin my journey, I did something that you might think is a little strange, or maybe not. I fasted and prayed for 3 solid days. I drank water, but ate nothing. During that 3 day period I asked for wisdom to find the truth and to be able to teach it to others, so they too, could be free from the lies and rhetoric and be able to make choices based on that truth.

Since that time, my life has been absolutely a truth-seekers dream. I am not kidding. I compare it to a Steven Spielberg movie on steroids when it comes to the excitement I've experienced and the high-caliber truth I've uncovered and have been able to share with others through my books, seminars and private Learning Network called The Inner Circle at

And I'm talking serious, mind-blowing truth that is not available anywhere else on the planet. At least not to the public. It may be locked up in the Vatican library or buried in some Freemasonic crypt somewhere, but I've looked and it's nowhere else to be found. (I've even spoken at length with several 32nd-degree Freemasons who are not only blown away by what I've found...they've never even heard it before.)

So, how have I found it?

That's the incredible thing. In the ancient texts, the teachers like 'Jesus' and others talk about the truth coming to those who have 'eyes to see' and 'ears to hear' but only through a lot of hard work, described as asking, seeking and knocking, which mean to constantly, persistently pursue; and now I know exactly what they mean. You see, the truth has always been there but it's been intentionally hidden beneath many layers of language and behind doctrines and a false context for literally thousands of years. It just needed to be dug up, like a buried the answers to The Reaping. And that's precisely what I've done.

I Am A Treasure Hunter

More specifically, I am your treasure hunter.

I have spent literally tens of thousands of hours and more than a decade with my 'shovels' of Lexicons and 'pick axes' of etymological dictionaries to dig into the Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic and other ancient languages, including the oldest of all written languages; The Sumerian Cuneiform. And in doing so have found a treasure-trove of truth.

Ready for a secret?

This is the reason I know the answer to The Reaping as well as the real, viable synapse-sizzling answers to many other ancient questions: I've discovered an exegetical secret that allows me to uncover answers to the deepest questions missed by the Scholars for literally thousands of years.

The Secret

The principals of exegesis they use, fall under the umbrella of Hermeneutics. Unbeknownst to them, those principals are based on Hermes, the figure also known as Mercury, Toth or Ham, upon whom secret societies like Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism are based. By using those principals, they are left with only part of the map that leads to the answers that really matter, the covert answers full of truth. This is why their teachings always lead to only partial answers and therefore, more confusion. Those same societies have implemented the principals of exegesis (uncovering the language) because those are the principals, as a fact, that cause the masses to remain in the dark...and allow them to remain in control.

By using my proprietary research method (which took years to develop and was like finding and piecing back together an old, tattered map to an underground vault containing a wealth of ancient hidden knowledge), I have been able to solve many other riddles as well, such as, who built the great pyramid and what does it mean to you? What are UFO's and ORB's and where do they come from? What is the Ark of the Covenant, where is it and how is it linked to your DNA? What did the Red Sea that Moses parted really symbolize? What really happened in the Garden in Eden? What popular fairy tale is an 'in-your-face' version of the true, hidden, untold, all-important events of Genesis chapter two? What other popular fairy tale is entirely based on ancient hidden secrets about your DNA? What secret items in the Bible are shrouded references to your genetics? What is the significance of the constant theme of Red and Blue in old paintings and an innumerable number of movies? What is your government not telling you about the all-important prophecy of the Fig Tree that will have dire consequences for you and your Family? What prophecy foretelling the Last Days destruction, spoken of by all cultures, is taking place right now, unbeknownst to all Pastors and Scholars? And many more!

The truth of these and many more ancient, all-important questions has come from many years of intense research and much sacrifice, but it has all been worth it, because I've been able to share the answers with people all around the world who know the quality of my work and seek me for viable answers to the toughest questions.

This is simply because I teach the truth and the truth is pure and resonates with those who can 'see' it for what it is, and the answers to the event referred to as The Reaping are no different.

I Want You To Share In My Treasure

If you truly want to know what the Holy Grail is and where it is, then put away your pre-conceived ideas and join me on a journey into uncharted waters toward the shores of truth.

Let my research be your soothing oasis in an arrid desert full of rhetoric, half-truths and lies. Download this ebook now and absorb the ramifications of what I present to you. I promise you that once you step into the truth, your life will never be the same!

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Discover answers to The Reaping
And Much More...

In the 1800's, an Evangelist by the name of Darby coined the phrase The Rapture Since that time, there have been numerous books written and many doctrines that have been manufactured to explain this highly-misunderstood and highly-interesting event, such as the Pre Tribulation rapture doctrine and others. But the questions surrounding this event, spoken of in the book of Matthew and elsewhere, are still many. Is The Reaping a real event? If so, what will happen? Who will be effected by this Harvest and how will they be effected? Does the Bible really support this doctrine? Is The Reaping the same as The Rapture? In The Reaping, by Dr. Scott McQuate, you will not only find the truth about these events and gain answers that you will find nowhere else on the planet, but will also learn the true background of these epic occurrences and what they have to do with... your DNA. The Reaping, much like most of the others stories in the Bible, has a more ancient origin, and just like those other stories, the story of this Harvest, what it truly is, when it will occur and how it will come about has been covered by layers of language to hide the truth for millennia. You will be astonished when you read Dr. McQuate's detailed  analysis of this event that comes from thousands of hours of exegesis (uncovering ancient texts) when he explains the meaning of The Reaping. This is an incredible, non-doctrinal, non-fictional journey you will not want to miss and one that cannot be found anywhere else in the world; Guaranteed!

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If you would like to take your learning to the next level...

Then you may want to consider joining Dr. McQuate's private Social Network called the Inner Circle. This is where Dr. McQuate shares first-hand information from his ongoing research with members through his radio programs and papers. The information you'll find at the Inner Circle, just like in his books, comes from first-hand, personal research. You'll learn things when you become a member that 99.999% of the population never learn their entire life, like the real events in Eden, who built the pyramid at Giza, what the Ark of the Covenant was and what it contained, who Lucifer really is and how to spot her, what the prophecy of the Abomination of Desolation means...and where it is currently set up as a sign of the End Times, unbeknownst to Pastors and Theologians, What UFO's and ORB's are and where they're from, What Freemasons had a large part in the writing of the Bible, what the The Holy Grail or Sangrial is and where it can be found and many other secrets hidden within the Bible and other ancient texts under layers of ancient language. This is truly information of which no Pastor, Scholar or Theologian is even aware and which the Illuminati has even hidden from their very own members for centuries. If you would like to join an elite group of like-minded people who are focused on finding and living the truth, then I invite you to join my Inner Circle today to read this ebook and more! Gain a wealth of knowledge that you will not find anywhere else and that will be yours to keep for the rest of your life. Join me on the 'inside'!


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"I've heard a lot of teachings from various pastors and professors, but Dr. McQuate never fails to thoroughly 'wow' me with his research." 

- Bill S., Inner Circle Member

"If you're wondering whether or not to join Dr. McQuate's Inner Circle, I can tell you, STOP WONDERING! I'm 68 years old, have heard all kinds of speakers and I can tell you that you won't regret it for a second. You'll learn things that you just can't find anywhere else." 

- Emily C, Inner Circle Member

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The Reaping by Dr. Scott McQuate

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