Currency converter and latest foreign exchange rate information

Currency Conversion and Latest Exchange Rates for 90 World Currencies

1 USD = 0.93 EUR

EUR/USD = 0.9315324
AED 3.66716 JPY 155.595
ARS 873.754 KRW 1372.37
AUD 1.53502 MAD 10.1408
BRL 5.16218 MXN 17.1593
CAD 1.3673 NOK 10.9687
CHF 0.912347 NZD 1.68177
CNY 7.08612 PHP 57.6917
CZK 23.4191 PLN 4.02409
DKK 6.94688 RUB 92.2733
EUR 0.931532 SEK 10.8953
GBP 0.798943 SGD 1.3593
HKD 7.81117 THB 37.0079
HUF 366.033 TRY 32.5848
ILS 3.79543 USD 1
INR 83.2753 ZAR 19.0202
BHD 0.375501 MYR 4.76786
BOB 6.91849 NAD 19.0924
CLP 950.545 NGN 1280.04
COP 3938.75 NPR 132.725
DOP 58.8757 OMR 0.383447
EGP 47.8966 PAB 0.999068
IDR 16171.7 PEN 3.72788
IRR 42075 PKR 278.086
ISK 139.833 RON 4.63582
JMD 155.743 SAR 3.73554
JOD 0.705915 TWD 32.5517
KES 132.371 UAH 39.598
KWD 0.307713 UYU 38.3482
LBP 89464.5 VES 36.3335
LKR 297.049 VND 25422.2
AWG 1.79859 MGA 4407.09
BAM 1.82189 MKD 57.3405
BBD 2.01714 MUR 46.4276
BDT 109.641 MVR 15.4268
BGN 1.82189 PYG 7421.52
BMD 1.00024 QAR 3.64465
BSD 0.999068 RSD 109.136
BWP 13.7895 SCR 14.4341
FJD 2.29194 TND 3.12855
GHS 13.5119 TTD 6.78901
GMD 67.9372 UGX 3806.24
GTQ 7.7799 XAF 611.045
KHR 4055.89 XCD 2.69672
LAK 21302.3 XOF 611.05
MDL 17.8541 XPF 111.812
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Most Popular Currencies

  1. United States Dollar - USD
  2. Euro - EUR
  3. British Pound Sterling - GBP
  4. Australian Dollar - AUD
  5. Canadian Dollar - CAD
  6. Japanese Yen - JPY
  7. New Zealand Dollar - NZD
  8. Chinese Yuan - CNY
  9. Indian Rupee - INR
  10. South African Rand - ZAR