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The Irregular at Magic High School

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600 Reviews
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Based on the light novel by Tsutomu Sato, The irregular at magic high school is set in a world where magic exists but instead of using chants and spells, magic users cast spells with their Casting Assistant Device (CAD). The CAD is infused with the user’s Psions (a substance-less thought particle) that activates the device and constructs the magic ritual.

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(10 reviews)14 April 2014
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Intrigue and inequality at Magic High School.

This show is entertaining because: 1.) The main character isn't weak and pathetic or moody and violent. In too many anime, there are two stereotypical versions of men. They either lack confidence and are flustered by every trivial event, or they are brash with a violent mood. This is the first character that I have seen in a long time that doesn't apologize for his actions, is composed, competent, and handles himself in a dignified manner. It is a welcome change. 2.) The plot is advanced by rational mechanisms. The author frequently circles back to the main themes as a justification for events that are occurring. The foreshadowing in this series also obeys this principle where characters are introduced in a manner that makes them fit into the overall plot. In contrast, in character driven stories, characters are introduced in order to create new plots. This author uses themes mimicking the inequality that is inherent in the Japanese school system. Resources are diverted to the students who are rated more capable, and the plot is subservient to reinforcing the problems with this system (For example, certain important qualities are overlooked, students tend to get an inflated ego and look down on those who are perceived to be less capable, and animosity between the different levels of students is fomented). Since I prefer stories that are plot driven (Death Note, Code Geass), this story's social commentary is very interesting to me. 3.) I like the art work. It has a smooth flow and looks professionally done even though there will likely be a hefty amount of CGI incorporated. Personally, I am indifferent to hand drawn vs. CGI, I can enjoy either, and this show is not clunky or robotic. I do have a few small qualms, but they are pretty consistent with most anime. 1.) Everyone is inexplicably drawn to the main character. I think they do a good job of mitigating this by giving him such a commanding presence. 2.) The nepotistic manner in which people are given prestige because of their family name. It hasn't occurred much in the anime yet, but a lot more of this is coming. I find it to be a somewhat contrived way of elevating the status of foes and challengers. However, in the context of this show, it is appropriate due to the fact that it is a satire of inequality and the presumption of status. 3.) It appears that this will be a quasi-harem with a jealous and infatuated younger sister. It doesn't seem as though the author intends to make this a harem, but uses suggestive circumstances as a side story while the main plot marinates. Altogether the pros far outweigh the cons and this is the first show of the new season that I added to my queue.

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(7 reviews)03 June 2014
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Absolutely Amazing! You need to watch it.

This show has received some really bad reviews and I don't quite understand why. All it will do is make others miss out on an awesome anime. I didn't think I'd like the show considering how terrible Magical Warfare turned out to be but I was wrong. After 1 episode I was hooked and it's now one of the anime I look forward to the most every week. Story- 9/10 The story follows the main character Tatsuya, his sister and also his new found friends in a 'Magic Highschool'. I'm sure you're thinking "I've seen anime like that before and they sucked." and, to be totally honest, most of the 'Magic Highschool anime that I've seen did suck but this anime is different. Tatsuya is a very powerful MC (my favourite kind of MC) and his alias is legendary when it comes to engineering CADs, which are basically magical tools. We see how Tatsuya makes new friends and enemies during his time at school. We then get to see some good action as the story progresses more. Art- 9/10 This anime has very good art, especially the magic. I didn't give it a 10 as there are a couple of anime with truly amazing art that leave you in awe. Sound- 8/10 The OPs and EDs are good but there are so many OPs/EDs that are a lot better. The voice acting is great as I don't recall there being a character whose voice does not suit them. Character-9/10 The characters are great. They all have their own unique personalities and it's always fun watching them interact with each other. The MC, Tatsuya, is a very strong character. He is also cool headed and smart. This is what makes him one of my favourite anime characters. He doesn't really get flustered over things. The only downfall is the fact that he tends to belittle himself. You can't even call it being modest. I won't mention any more characters in this review as it may take away some of the enjoyment of watching the anime. Talking about enjoyment... Enjoyment - 10/10 As I mentioned earlier, this is one of the anime that I look forward to the most every week. I'm always curious as to what will happen next in the anime. I don't really know what else to say here other than I enjoy it a lot. Overall - 10/10 I really don't understand why people scored this anime so low. I can assure you that this anime is amazing. At least give it a chance before you decide not to watch it. I'm not very good at writing reviews but I hope that this review managed to persuade you to watch the anime. :)

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(1 review)23 December 2014
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(7 reviews)19 August 2014
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Sometimes you just need to watch someone be a bada$$

Watching a calm, confident, composed main character really is a breath of fresh air. A lot of people criticize this one because they feel that the main character is a little too powerful. But I think it is nice to see once in a while. He doesn't flaunt his excellence and run around like a Demigod. There are clearly other equally powerful characters that haven't seen much development, yet. This is a highly trained soldier attending a high school. He SHOULD be better than everyone there. I can't wait to see some of the mysteries explained, I love this anime.

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(1 review)21 April 2014
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Good action but the incest vibes are off putting

It started out strong with some kick ass action scenes, but the main character's lack of emotion and the contrived weed vs bloom conflict isn't really resonating with me. It probably would have been better had they dropped the whole high school drama thing and went for the military dystopia angle. Plus episode three made very uncomfortable during the scene where the girl strips in front of her brother and then asks him if he thinks of her as a woman while pressing her breasts up against his back. I think I'll give it another episode or two, but fancy action scenes aren't going to cut it unless they up the game with the actual plot.