The Meaning Behind The Song: Dandelions by Ruth B - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Dandelions by Ruth B

The Meaning Behind The Song: Dandelions by Ruth B

Canadian singer-songwriter Ruth Berhe, known by her stage name Ruth B, first gained recognition through her viral hit “Lost Boy,” which was inspired by the fictional character Peter Pan. From there, she continued to captivate audiences with her unique voice and poignant storytelling. Her song “Dandelions” is no exception, as it speaks to the universal themes of vulnerability, longing, and the fleeting nature of time.

The Inspiration Behind “Dandelions”

According to Berhe, “Dandelions” was inspired by a particular moment in her life when she was experiencing a great deal of uncertainty and anxiety. In an interview with Genius, she explained, “I kind of wrote [the song] as my way of giving myself hope and as a reminder that things come and go, and it’s okay to let things go sometimes.”

The song’s lyrics are filled with imagery that evokes feelings of fragility and transience. Berhe sings about the delicate nature of dandelions, which can be blown away with a single breath, and how they symbolize the fleeting moments of joy in life. The chorus, “Time flies by and I can’t rewind / Can’t undo what’s in my mind / Dandelions, don’t tell no lies / Dandelions, will make you wise,” encapsulates the idea that we must appreciate the moments we have, even if they don’t last forever.

The Theme of Vulnerability

One of the key themes of “Dandelions” is vulnerability. Berhe sings about feeling exposed and raw, as if she is standing in the middle of a field with nothing to shield her from the elements. She longs to be able to let go and feel free, but she is held back by her fears and insecurities. The line “I’m scared to live, but I’m scared to die” speaks to the paradoxical nature of vulnerability – the act of exposing oneself can be terrifying, but so can the thought of living a life without taking risks.

The Longing for Connection

Another important theme in “Dandelions” is the longing for connection. Berhe sings about wanting to feel understood and seen, to have someone to share her fears and desires with. The lyrics “I wish that someone would have told me that / That sometimes, you will end up lonely” express the idea that even though we may be surrounded by people, we can still feel isolated and disconnected.

This theme is particularly resonant in today’s society, where social media and technology can give us the illusion of connection without providing the deep, meaningful relationships that we crave. Berhe’s lyrics serve as a reminder that true connection comes from opening ourselves up to others and being vulnerable.

The Importance of Letting Go

At its core, “Dandelions” is about the importance of letting go. Berhe sings about the need to release the things that are holding us back – whether it be fear, self-doubt, or the desire for control. The line “I know that I should loosen my grip / But I just can’t quit” speaks to the difficulty of relinquishing control, even when we know it’s for the best.

The metaphor of dandelions blowing away in the wind serves as a powerful visual reminder of the impermanence of life. Berhe implores us to embrace the present moment, to appreciate the beauty of life while we can, and to let go of the things that no longer serve us.

The Magic of Ruth B’s Songwriting

Ruth B has quickly become known for her ability to craft lyrics that are both emotional and relatable. Her songs speak to the universal struggles of the human experience, and “Dandelions” is no exception. The song’s message is one that anyone can connect with – the idea that life is fleeting and precious, and that we must make the most of every moment.

In an interview with Billboard, Berhe expressed her desire to create music that can be a source of comfort and hope for her listeners. She said, “I want people to take away from my music that they’re not alone, and that there’s someone out there who understands them.” With “Dandelions,” she has certainly succeeded in doing just that.


“Dandelions” by Ruth B is a beautiful and haunting song that speaks to the fragility of life and the importance of living in the present. Its themes of vulnerability, longing, and the need to let go are universal, and Berhe’s poetic lyrics have resonated with audiences around the world. As we navigate the ups and downs of life, “Dandelions” serves as a reminder of the beauty that can be found in the fleeting moments of joy.

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