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Legit second chances start here

FreeWorld is a tech-enabled nonprofit that aims to end generational poverty and recidivism by accelerating economic mobility for returning citizens.

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Welcome to FreeWorld

We know how hard it is to get and stay out; we've been there. That's why we've designed a program specifically for YOU. We'll help you get a job, take care of your family, and make sure you're set up for a lifetime of success, prison-free.

How It Works
A truck on the open road.
  • Designed by those who have lived it.

    We've been through it. We know how hard it is to get your life back, so we surround you with a community that pushes you forward.

  • Pay nothing up front.

    You ONLY pay it forward to help other students earn a career when you make $3,000/mo NET income working in the trucking industry.

  • Stay prison free.

    We provide all of the resources and education you'll need to change your path in life forever.

Are you working to regain your footing with a criminal history?

Securing a well-paid job is necessary, but not our end goal. Putting you in a position where you are financially independent, can take care of your family, and have the tools to live a good life prison free? That's the goal.

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