Family Tree • FamilySearch

Family Tree

Every person deserves to be remembered.

We help make that possible with the FamilySearch Family Tree, the world's largest online family tree—home to information about more than 1.2 billion ancestors.

The Family Tree offers users a free family tree template featuring multiple tree and fan chart views, timeline and mapping tools, record hints and research helps, and access to billions of online records.

Start Tree

How to Start a Family Tree

Creating a family tree is free and easy.

Step 1: Create a free account.

Not only will you be able to start your family tree, but creating an account gives you access to FamilySearch's online records and the Memories storage feature.

Step 2: Add what you know about your family.

We recommend starting with the first four generations. Know that FamilySearch protects the privacy of living people—nobody else can see what you enter about yourself or other living family members.

Step 3: Connect to FamilySearch's vast database of information.

Once you add a deceased relative to the tree, FamilySearch will try to connect you to any information it has about that person in its database. If it finds a match, FamilySearch can auto populate information, saving you a lot of time!

Why Use the FamilySearch Shared Tree?

The FamilySearch Family Tree can help you more easily connect to your family and build your family history. Here are a few ways it might help you.

The World's Largest Shared Online Family Tree

Those who start a Family Tree on FamilySearch aren't just piecing together their family story—they're contributing to the creation of a global, unified family tree for mankind.

The FamilySearch shared tree uniquely strives to have just one public profile for every deceased person who has ever lived. Descendants contribute what they know about a person to a single, shared profile, rather than scattering their knowledge across multiple profiles on several trees, some of which may have privacy barriers.

1. Build Your Tree with Ease

When you connect to the FamilySearch shared tree, some of your ancestors may have an abundance of information already in their profile. FamilySearch can also show you possible records for that ancestor.

2. Collaborate with Others

FamilySearch Family Tree enables all descendants to share information that others might not know and add sources to confirm correct information. The overall result of a well-sourced shared tree can be much more complete and accurate than individual trees.

3. Connect with Other Family Members

Working together on a global tree also helps descendants connect with each other. You may find a relative who has visited the same graves, asked the same questions about—and even learned to love or admire—the same ancestors.

FamilySearch Family Tree

Every person deserves to be remembered.

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