The Death Of The Incredible Hulk | The Incredible Hulk Wiki | Fandom
The Incredible Hulk Wiki

The Hulk is unconscious

The Death Of The Incredible Hulk is the final Television film based on the show.


David Banner masquerades as David Bellamy, a mentally-challenged janitor, in order to gain access to a scientific research facility. He has determined that the studies of one of the scientists there, Dr. Ronald Pratt (Philip Sterling), may hold the key to curing his condition. Pratt takes a liking to the man he sees only as a building custodian. Bypassing security, Banner enters Pratt's laboratory, examines the formula on his blackboard, making corrections and filling in gaps. After Pratt catches him doing this, Banner reveals his true identity and history. Both scientists agree to work together to cure Banner and perfect the formula harnessing gamma radiation believed to give ordinary humans superhuman strength when under periods of stress. Banner then falls in love with a spy called Jasmine. At the end of the film, Europeans come and want to take Pratts work for corrupt purpose. Banner becomes the Hulk and boards the airplane. it explodes and Hulk is thrown into the air, falling unconscious. He smashes into the ground. Jasmine holds his hand and comforts him which turns him back into David.

