The Brothers Grimm (2005) Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Action, Fant...

The Brothers Grimm (2005) Movie

The Brothers Grimm (2005) Movie Release Dates / Movie Details

Rated PG-13 | Threatrical Aug 26, 2005 (US) | Genres Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Action, Fantasy, Comedy, Adventure | Runtime 1h 58m
User Score: 60/100
The Brothers Grimm (2005) Movie Poster

The Brothers Grimm Plot Synopsis:

Widely known for their valiant acts of supernatural bravado, the bogus ghost-busters, Wilhelm and Jacob, or the Brothers Grimm, try their best to banish all sorts of evil in early-19th-century French-occupied Germany. For the right amount of money, the intrepid charlatans pretend to rid superstitious villages of its local ghouls or witches, until disturbing rumours about missing children in the small village of Marbaden start to spread like wildfire. Now--exposed by the French governor and Napoleon's general, Delatombe--the shameless duo of alleged paranormal fighters will have to prove their worth, and, for the first time in their entire career, do battle with a genuine malevolent force. However, can the utterly unprepared boys confront the real deal? Above all, can the Brothers Grimm clear their name?

Synopsis / Plot Summary: Will and Jake Grimm are traveling con-artists who encounter a genuine fairy-tale curse which requires true courage instead of their usual bogus exorcisms.

Tagline: Eliminating Evil Since 1812

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Official Trailer

  • The Brothers Grimm Official Trailer

The Brothers Grimm Movie Information:

Type: Movie
Year: 2005 (more 2005 movies)
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Runtime: 118 minutes / 1h 58min
Genres:  Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Action, Fantasy, Comedy, Adventure
Directors: Terry Gilliam
Stars: Petr Ratimec, Barbora Lukesová, Anna Rust, Jeremy Robson, Matt Damon … (full cast)
Release Date: Theatrical Release Date Aug 26, 2005
Box Office: $37,916,267
Awards: 4
Nominations: 5

What is The Brothers Grimm Streaming On?

The Brothers Grimm is Streaming on HBO Max
Production Co.: Miramax Films
Language: English, French, German, Italian
Country: United States, Czech Republic, United Kingdom
Release Dates: Movie Release Dates / The Brothers Grimm Release Dates In Theaters: Aug 26, 2005, Netflix: Jul 01, 2019, DVD: Dec 20, 2005
Producers: Daniel Bobker, Mishka Cheyko, Jonathan Gordon, Chris McGurk, Jake Myers, Andrew Rona, Charles Roven, John D. Schofield, Michael Solinger, Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein
Musicians: Dario Marianelli
Cinematographers: Newton Thomas Sigel
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The Brothers Grimm Cast

Cast overview, first billed only:Character(s)
Petr Ratimec...Young Will
Barbora Lukesová...Mother Grimm (as Barbara Lukesova)
Anna Rust...Sister Grimm
Jeremy Robson...Young Jacob
Matt Damon...Wilhelm Grimm
Heath Ledger...Jacob Grimm
Radim Kalvoda...Gendarme
Martin Hofmann...Gendarme
Josef Pepa Nos...German War Veteran
Harry Gilliam...Stable Boy
Miroslav Táborský...Old Miller
Roger Ashton-Griffiths...Mayor
Marika Sarah Procházková...Miller''s Daughter (as Marika Prochazkova)
Mackenzie Crook...Hidlick
Richard Ridings...Bunst
Alena Jakobová...Red Hooded Girl (as Alena Jakobova)
Rudolf Pellar...Watchman
Dana Dohnalova...Twin Sister
Petra Dohnalova...Twin Sister
Hanus Bor...Twins'' Father

Fun Facts: 15 Real AGES of THE BROTHERS GRIMM Actors

Actor Petr Ratimec from The Brothers Grimm is cast as "Young Will."

Actor Barbora Lukesová from The Brothers Grimm is cast as "Mother Grimm (as Barbara Lukesova)."

Actor Anna Rust from The Brothers Grimm is cast as "Sister Grimm."

Actor Jeremy Robson from The Brothers Grimm is cast as "Young Jacob."

Matt Damon's real age is 53. Actor Matt Damon from The Brothers Grimm is cast as "Wilhelm Grimm." Matt Damon (born October 8, 1970) in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, is a known Producer, Actor, Writer.

Matt Damon Fun Facts:
Matt Damon is also known as Dickie Greenleaf, Birth Sign: Libra, Height: 5' 10" (1.78 m)

Heath Ledger, as Jacob Grimm, passed away at the age of 28 in Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA. Heath Ledger (born April 4, 1979) in Perth, Western Australia, Australia, is a known Actor, Director, Soundtrack.

Heath Ledger Fun Facts:
Heath Ledger is also known as Heath | Heathcliff Andrew Ledger, Birth Sign: Aries, Height: 6' 1" (1.85 m)

Actor Radim Kalvoda from The Brothers Grimm is cast as "Gendarme."

Actor Martin Hofmann from The Brothers Grimm is cast as "Gendarme."

Actor Josef Pepa Nos from The Brothers Grimm is cast as "German War Veteran."

Actor Harry Gilliam from The Brothers Grimm is cast as "Stable Boy."

Miroslav Táborský's real age is 64. Actor Miroslav Táborský from The Brothers Grimm is cast as "Old Miller." Miroslav Táborský (born November 9, 1959) in Prague, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic], is a known Actor, Soundtrack.

Miroslav Táborský Fun Facts:
Miroslav Táborský is also known as Miroslav Taborski | Miroslav Taborsky | Mirosláv Táborský, Birth Sign: Scorpio

Roger Ashton-Griffiths's real age is 67. Actor Roger Ashton-Griffiths from The Brothers Grimm is cast as "Mayor." Roger Ashton-Griffiths (born January 19, 1957) in Hertfordshire, England, UK, is a known Actor, Writer, Director.

Roger Ashton-Griffiths Fun Facts:
Roger Ashton-Griffiths is also known as J.G.R. Ashton-Griffiths | Roger Ashton Griffiths, Birth Sign: Capricorn, Height: 5' 10" (1.78 m)

Actor Marika Sarah Procházková from The Brothers Grimm is cast as "Miller''s Daughter (as Marika Prochazkova)."

Mackenzie Crook's real age is 52. Actor Mackenzie Crook from The Brothers Grimm is cast as "Hidlick." Mackenzie Crook (born September 29, 1971) in Maidstone, Kent, England, UK, is a known Actor, Writer, Director.

Mackenzie Crook Fun Facts:
Birth Sign: Libra, Height: 5' 9" (1.75 m)

Richard Ridings's real age is 65. Actor Richard Ridings from The Brothers Grimm is cast as "Bunst." Richard Ridings (born September 19, 1958) in Henley-on-Thames, England, UK, is a known Actor, Soundtrack.

Richard Ridings Fun Facts:
Richard Ridings is also known as Richard Riding, Birth Sign: Virgo, Height: 6' (1.83 m)

Source: IMDB, Metacritic, Rotten Tomatoes, fans like you!

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