The Meaning Behind The Song: Sailing by Christopher Cross - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Sailing by Christopher Cross

The Meaning Behind The Song: Sailing by Christopher Cross

Christopher Cross’ iconic soft rock anthem “Sailing” remains one of the most popular yacht rock tunes of all time. The hit song, released in 1980, has touched the hearts of millions with its warm and soothing melody. It’s the kind of song that transports listeners to a happy place, washing away their worries and making them feel calm and at peace. But beyond its uplifting tune, “Sailing” is actually a song about the journey of life and the desire to find one’s place in the world.

The Journey of Life

“Sailing” is a metaphor for the journey of life – the hardships, the joys, and the triumphs. In the song, Christopher Cross compares life to a voyage across an ocean, where he sets his sights on the horizon and sails towards the unknown. The lyrics perfectly capture the mystery and wonder of life, urging us to keep moving forward and embrace the beauty of the journey.

The opening lines of the song, “Well, it’s not far down to paradise, at least it’s not for me” sets the tone for the entire song. The lyrics suggest that each person’s paradise is subjective – what might be paradise for one person might not be paradise for another. For Cross, paradise is not a place, but a state of mind, a feeling of contentment that comes from being at peace with oneself.

The Desire to Find One’s Place in the World

Another theme that runs through “Sailing” is the desire to find one’s place in the world. In the song, Cross sings of the longing to find his “Island in the sun” and to be where he feels he truly belongs. Many listeners have interpreted this line to mean that Cross is searching for a place where he can feel at home and be himself.

The desire to belong is a universal human emotion, and it’s one of the reasons why “Sailing” has resonated with so many people over the years. The song speaks to the sense of restlessness and longing that many people feel, urging us to keep searching until we find our true north.

The Solo Voyage

“Sailing” is a song about individualism, about setting out on a journey of self-discovery regardless of what others might say or think. In the song, Cross sings about voyaging alone, with no one else to rely on but himself. In many ways, the song celebrates the beauty of flying solo, of setting one’s own course, and taking control of one’s destiny.

The lines, “Sailing takes me away to where I’ve always heard it could be. Just a dream and the wind to carry me, and soon I will be free” encapsulate the idea of embarking on a solo journey where anything is possible. The song celebrates the idea of taking risks, of leaving behind the safety and comfort of the shore, and pursuing one’s dreams.

The Music of “Sailing”

The gentle, soothing melody of “Sailing” perfectly captures the spirit of the song. Cross’ smooth vocal style, coupled with the delicate guitar work and soft keyboard chords, creates a sound that embodies the idea of calm and serenity. The song’s instrumentation is minimalistic, with no drums or percussion instruments, which adds to its tranquil ambiance.

It’s no surprise that “Sailing” has become a favorite among fans of yacht rock – a sub-genre of soft rock that originated in the 1970s and was popularized in the 1980s. Yacht rock songs often have a nautical theme, with lyrics that evoke the feeling of being on the ocean, sailing towards the horizon. “Sailing” perfectly captures the essence of yacht rock, with its themes of individualism, journey, and belonging.

The Legacy of “Sailing”

“Sailing” has stood the test of time and is still a popular song today. The tune has been covered by numerous artists and was even featured in the popular TV show, Arrested Development. The song has also won numerous awards, including a Grammy for Song of the Year in 1981.

“Sailing” has become a part of pop culture history and has been referenced in various movies and TV shows. The song’s legacy is a testament to its universal appeal and its ability to touch people’s hearts and souls.

The Final Thoughts

“Sailing” by Christopher Cross is a timeless song that speaks to the human experience of journeying through life. Its themes of individualism, belonging, and self-discovery capture the essence of what it means to be human. The song’s gentle melody and calm ambiance offer solace to those seeking to find their place in the world, and its legacy continues to inspire generations of music lovers worldwide.

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