Bell Witch Haunting Movie Bell Witch Haunting Movie

The Movie:The Bell Witch Haunting

The Greatest Ghost Story Ever Told!


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New Release! "Nightmares from the Mind

of POE"!



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Welcome to the historic thriller based on actual events...

"The Bell Witch Haunting" movie  

Forget Stephen King's books, forget the "Poltergeist" movies, and as far as that goes... forget any ghost story you have ever read or seen on TV or at the movies. Truth is more thrilling than fiction. One day in 1817, the Bell Witch saga began... continue

"I would rather fight the entire British army single handed than face the Bell Witch again!" 

- Andrew Jackson, seventh President Of The United States -




Order your "The Bell Witch Haunting" DVD today! 



The DVD includes:
2 hour Feature Film

Chapter Selection
  45 minutes of Behind The Scenes  

Over 40 minutes of Deleted Scenes


DVDs are $19.95 plus $4.95 for shipping and handling (S&H price goes down with every DVD purchased and is FREE for purchase of 5 or more). There is a $1.85 tax for Tennessee residents. Total $24.90 ($26.75 for Tennessee residents).


For guaranteed secure credit card purchase:
Or send a check or money order to:

click here 

Willing Hearts Productions

9 Music Square South #117

Nashville, TN 37203 

For any questions e-mail us at or call (615) 264-8999.


View film trailer

Click reel to download "Bell Witch Haunting " trailer

                       (dial-up servers be patient - trailer may take some time)





“The Bell Witch Story” theatrical play production to be performed October 9-11, 16-18, 23-25 and 29-31, 2008

The Tennessee Theater Company will perform the original “The Bell Witch Story” play production which was the basis for “The Bell Witch Haunting” movie. Both were penned and directed by Ric White, who will be directing the 2008 production with assistant director Linda Thornton, who also produced the movie. “The Bell Witch Story” production and the film are both based on eyewitness accounts from Richard Bell’s manuscript “Our Family Trouble” and Charles Bailey Bell’s book “The Bell Witch of Tennessee”. This production was first made popular in 1998 at the Sumner County Playhouse in Hendersonville, Tennessee. Some of the actors who were in the film will also be appearing in the theatrical production. All shows will be at 7:30p.m., with the doors opening at 6:45 p.m. The Play will be produced has follows:


Tn State Fairgrounds                        Nashville, Tn                    October 9th - 11th & 16th - 18th

Wilson County Fairgrounds             Lebanon, Tn                     October 23rd - 25th

Patterson Theatre                             Murfreesboro, Tn             October 29th - 31st


For more information and to purchase tickets: CLICK HERE




Come join me in October and get in the Halloween spirit!

...or I'LL FIND YOU!                                                            

- The Bell Witch -





New film from Willing Hearts Productions
"Nightmares from the Mind of POE" released!

About the movie...

Throughout Edgar Allan Poe’s life he was plagued with nightmares and the deaths of those he loved. Those nightmares and his tragic life were many times the basis for his stories and poems; often he found himself in the middle of those nightmares and stories as the victim or antagonist. “Nightmares from the Mind of Poe” brings to life those nightmares with Poe as part of the stories, as he dreamed and wrote them. In the movie, he struggles with nightmares, insomnia, sadness and despair in his own life as he creates his stories. The film brings to life four of the most well known tales from the master of suspense and horror - “The Tell-Tale Heart”, “The Cask of Amontillado”, “The Premature Burial” and “The Raven” ... CLICK HERE FOR TRAILER AND INFO

"Nightmares from the Mind of POE"



What People Are Saying About "The Bell Witch Haunting" Movie:

“The Bell Witch Haunting” is incredible! I don’t have words... Wow... that’s all I have to say. You’ve done an awesome job. I was totally impressed - Hollywood couldn’t touch it!”
- M. Walsh -

The film far exceeded even the rave reviews I read. You are to be highly praised for bringing this interesting legend to life. If you need third party endorsements, count me in!"

- V. Eastes -

"Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed "The Bell Witch Haunting". I had to turn on the light because it unnerved me sitting in the dark! I'm on my fifth viewing and enjoy it immensely."

- M. Dowell -

"I just wanted to tell you that I love my copy of "The Bell Witch Haunting".  It is a fantastic movie...Absolutely the best Independent Film I have seen since "Suburban Sasquatch"!  Thanks so much!"

- D. M. Sitbon -

"I just saw your movie... AWESOME JOB! I am promoting it everywhere I go."

- Shaman Windwalker -

"I went to see the movie last night. What a great film! The acting was superb and you really brought the story to life. I can't wait for the DVD!"

- B. Kelly -

"My wife and I just received and reviewed our DVD of "The Bell Witch Haunting" and truly feel as if it is the best movie we've seen in 2004 or 2003 for that matter."

- G. & V. Wernke -

"My name is Chris Kirby and I am the owner of the Bell Witch Cave. I went today along with several friends to see the movie. I just wanted to congratulate you on a job very well done. Everyone in my group really enjoyed the movie. I want to buy a DVD when they are available. Thanks for your effort in bringing the story of the Bell Witch to life."

- Chris Kirby, Owner Bell Witch Cave -

"The movie was great! I will buy the DVD when it hits the shelves."

- C. Howerton -

"Thank you so much for the show yesterday. I thought the movie was wonderful! The kids were scared senseless! I had never heard the whole story and it was very enlightening to see it portrayed so masterfully. The witch is part of our Tennessee history and you have preserved it very well."

- A. Porter -

"I give Mr. Ric White a two thumbs up for staying true to the story. I have heard a lot of ghost stories and most sound alike, just in a different place with different people involved, but this is the single most unique and mystifying one that I have ever heard. Very entertaining!"

- W. Radebaugh -

“What a great film! The story, the acting, the costumes - everything was so real. It was fascinating, scary, dramatic, funny and historical all at the same time. I’m telling everyone I know to see it!”
- G. Helton -

"After seeing clips of "The Bell Witch Haunting" on CMT, I wanted to know more and ordered the DVD that same night.  I was not disappointed.  Not only was the movie a real chiller, I felt almost like a character in the movie myself.  These were real people, and I felt the actors did a wonderful job keeping them real.  That is what I guess sums up the movie for me - it is so very real.  And that realism is what made the movie so chilling.   I also enjoyed the behind the scenes interviews and the inclusion of the deleted scenes.  It is understandably a complex story, and the extra tidbits helped to fill my curiosity gaps.  Here's to the continued success of your project."

- T. Gutz -

"Now tis the haunting time of the year. My daughter and I both like to have the bejeebies scared out of us. Although I've seen scarier movies, the fact that this was a true haunting, made it a totally awesome movie. It really sparks your curiosity and leaves you with a few un-answered questions to solve. A great movie and I hope more American ghost and haunting stories are made into movies such as this."

- Terry Roller (7th Va.) -

“The movie is great!! Thank you. My hometown is Clarksville, TN. I’m glad to finally see some of the history of the Bell Witch on film. It’s great!!!!! Thanks!!!”
- Kim -

"I just wanted to let everyone at Willing Hearts know that the Bell Witch Haunting movie was awesome!!!!!!! I LOVED it. I had known a little about the Bell Witch, but not very much. This movie told a lot and inspired me to research more. Thank you all for such a great movie!!!!"
- Heather Doud -

"I received the DVD and watched it last night. I was very impressed with every single aspect of it. The actors are very talented and there isn't any "famous" actors out there that could have done any better. The story was told very, very well, and I think every Tennessee family should have a copy of this in their home. Even libraries should be proud to have such a historic masterpiece in their collection. Thank you very much!"
- Tina Fairchild -

"I had read several articles and a book about the Bell Witch and was skeptical about the movie as these movie dramatizations are always so fictionalized and made so completely"out there" . What a pleasant surprise to find a film which was not only free of exaggeration, but told such an accurate recounting that you felt you were there. The cast made the family real and the voice-over filled the gaps so that if the viewer to this film was new to the tale, he wouldn't be lost. I would also comment that the extra features were spectacular and genuinely added to the experience. Thank you for telling this story."
- Francine Carr (N.B. Canada) -



"The Bell Witch Haunting" movie gets a great review from Bell Witch author, historian and researcher Pat Fitzhugh. To read the full review... Click Here

"...Whether you are a Bell Witch expert, novice or armchair historian, I think you will enjoy and learn from "The Bell Witch Haunting."  I highly recommend that you go see it and get the DVD as well – you will probably want to watch it again and again."

- Pat Fitzhugh, Bell Witch author and historian


Other Reviews for "The Bell Witch Haunting:

Click Here for Chiller Cinema Review

Click Here for TM Ghost Hunters Review

Click Here for Strange Encounters Review

Click Here for Rotten Tomatoes Review

Click Here for Review

Click Here for Review

Click Here for Review




More comments about "The Bell Witch Haunting" Movie:

"I compared your film to An American Haunting on the Coast To Coast radio show last night and said that your interpretation was far more accurate and a far better production--in spite of the Hollywood treatment and Spacek and Sutherland."

- Brad Steiger, author -


"When dealing with the paranormal, the most important thing to convey is the truth. Too many take liberties with paranormal events, exaggerating them when the fact that they even occurred to begin with should be enough. "The Bell Witch Haunting" is unique in the way it sticks to the facts, and relies on the truth to provide the chills--and it delivers! This isn't a "horror film"'s a historical re-enactment of actual events that happened to actual people, and it so happens it will actually make you sleep with the light on! Bravo to Ric and Linda and their wonderful cast and crew for getting it right."
- Tim Weisberg, "Spooky Southcoast" radio show -


"I just wanted to commend you again for this wonderful film. I just got home from seeing "An American Haunting" at my local theater, and I can honestly say that it paled in comparison to your film "The Bell Witch Haunting". Not only was the story much more intriguing, but one gets much more entertainment from your film as well...about 45 minutes more! From start to finish, your film shined. Not to ruin anything, but "An American Haunting" has a very disappointing ending and I expected so much more! (Perhaps they should have viewed your film first before making theirs!). Well, anyway, thank you so much for this great DVD...I am proud to be one of the 1st to order a copy from you and I still enjoy watching it from time-to-time! Take care."
- David M. Sitbon, Philadelphia, PA -


"The movie was outstanding. I was quite impressed by the quality of the direction and the acting, as well as the attention to detail regarding the period (sets, costumes, etc). Mister White is truly a Renaissance man, and the rest of the dedicated cast and crew deserve high praise as well. I'm somewhat familiar with the legend of the Bell Witch, and was pleasantly surprised by the accuracy of the screenplay. The DVD production was excellent. What a wonderful "behind the scenes" feature documentary! I've a large number of DVDs in my collection, but The Bell Witch Haunting is one of the best investments I've ever made and truly delivers a lot of content for the small investment. Looking forward to more from Willing Hearts in the future!!"
- Dennis Jones -


"This is a story that should have been captured in film a long time ago. Thank you for having the insight to do so. You have done an excellent job of staying true to the story. This is truly one of the best stories ever told and I cherish the fact that I can now view it and share it with others. I grew up in neighboring Cheatham county and recall having the book and hearing the tales as a young boy and later on in years. I actually visited the farm and cave and had the opportunity to sit with Mr. Eden as he told me tales that sent goose bumps all over me. Thank you so much for your hard work and commitment to the excellence of this movie. I'm 51 yrs. of age now and you have brought those goose bumps back once again. Thank you!!!!!"
- Mike Berlin -


"I just want to let you know after watching "The Bell Witch Haunting" DVD recently, and after watching "An American Haunting" in the local theater last night, I can say with certainty that your version of the story was much better. Your movie is more factual, more believable and offers much more detail about the story but is not overdone. I enjoyed the storyline of your movie more. An American Haunting was too simplified and monotonous even though they had a fairly large budget with well known actors in it. The effects in An American Haunting were fairly good, but I feel that you have outdone Hollywood with your version overall."
- Gary Bell (Somewhat distant relative of John Bell) -


"I've been meaning to write you for sometime ... I purchased the Bell Witch Haunting and loved every minute of it. Masterful job! The whole thing was mesmerizing and engaging. And now I'm equally excited to purchase a copy of Poe ... makes me want to go up there and be in your next movie. Keep up the good work!! Big fan in Florida!"
- Michael Clinkenbeard -


"I'm a big fan of your work and have purchased both of your DVD's, "The Bell Witch Haunting" and "Nightmares from the Mind of Poe," the last one of which I found extremely entertaining and very well done. Bravo! I also saw the other film that was made about the Bell Witch, I think it was titled, "An American Haunting," which I found horribly done. In my opinion, you can't even compare the two. Even though the big "Hollywood" version had a big name or two attached to it, it still didn't quite capture the feel that your film captured. The period piece and especially the wardrobe and costumes in your version were all top notch. I hope that you have something coming up, as I have thoroughly enjoyed all the Ric White films that have come from Willing Hearts Productions."
- Steve Dryden -


"I got the movie in this morning , great job! I enjoyed it . I liked it better then American Haunting. That one just didn’t explain the story right, like this one did ..thanks."
- Bob Williams -


"Thank you...thank you...thank you. Thank you so much for making this movie. I recently ordered your version of the bell witch along with the 'other' independent company's version and although theirs arrived first...yours was worth the wait. I will admit that they have a really good soundtrack but they could have saved themselves some embarrassment and just put that CD out and left it at that. Your movie had good actors and it was actually scary, their movie was like a bad unsolved mysteries re-enactment without the scare factor. Good music and beautiful scenery does not make a good movie. good writing, good acting and the ability to frighten your viewers does. I mean come's a freaking ghost story not a poorly taught history lesson. As for the Hollywood done movie, I can't say much. I'm a big fan of Sissy Spacek and Donald Sutherland. I mean come's Loretta freakin' Lynn and the guy who showed us his butt in animal house. What more could you ask for? Anyways, thank you again."
- Christine Tartt -


"I purchased the DVD a year and a half or so ago and thought it was very true to the Bell With Story that I've read and grew up hearing being from Tennessee. This movie was way better than the current movie out on the Big Screen "American Haunting". They left out so many details and tid bits. It has nothing on the Bell Witch Hauthing Movie. Thanks."
- Donna Tokarski -




Footage from "The Bell Witch Haunting" movie is featured on Country Music Television (CMT) special! CMT is airing a special on ghost called "CMT Most Shocking... Ghost!" that will focus on the Bell Witch. CMT was very excited when they viewed "The Bell Witch Haunting" and asked to use some of the footage to help tell the story of the Bell Witch. The special was very well done, check it out...



Ric, Linda, the cast, the crew and Willing Hearts Productions would like to thank the large crowds who came to the Tennessee and Kentucky screenings of "The Bell Witch Haunting". We appreciate the patience of all those who had to stand in long lines. Your response to our film has filled us with pride and has been very rewarding. And the enormous amount of enthusiastic e-mails we have received has been amazing!


Comments from the Director, Ric White:  

I was always fascinated by the "Bell Witch" growing up. I remember hearing all the stories and superstitions, like if you say the witch doesn't exist three times while turning around it will appear in a mirror. But when I started doing research and reading the recollections of the people who were there it made the hair stand on my neck. As extraordinary as the made up stories sound, they are nothing compared to what really happened. I think that when people see the truth, they will be mystified and astonished, as were hundreds of visitors who came from all over the country to hear and experience the Spirit almost two hundred years ago.

After visiting the Bell's home, Andrew Jackson said, "I vow I would rather fight the entire British army single handed than face this witch again!" The haunting is the only known case where a spirit actually took credit for killing someone. John Bell's funeral was one of the largest ever seen in Robertson County, hundreds of people attended; including the gloating Spirit, who cheerfully offered mourners a concert of brawny drinking songs.

Over a four year period, hundreds of people witnessed the Spirit's wonderful demonstrations; and many of the most reputable people of Robertson County and the area testified to the events, telling their stories over and over to the younger generations. During the period of these exciting demonstrations, ever so many detectives, wise men, witch doctors and conjurors came to exercise their skills on the Spirit, and all were brought to grief in some way, confessing that the phenomena was something beyond comprehension. So far, no one has ever given an intelligent explanation to the great mystery.

What type of being was this, that showed such kindness to a mother, Lucy Bell; and such evil vengeance to the child and husband she adored? Only a fiend of a hellish nature with no conscience could have possessed such attributes and ended the life of such a good father and husband. Yet, those who witnessed the demonstrations knew that it had a wonderful power of intelligence, possessing great knowledge of men and things; a spirit that could apparently read minds, tell men's secrets, repeat sermons word for word and sing every song in the hymn book. It often assumed a pious character, enjoying religious discussions and quoting scripture with absolute accuracy.


Comments from the Producer, Linda Thornton: 

This movie with its haunting "Spirit" and anguished family bears witness to what the human spirit and body can endure and rise above. What was this being? Why was it so full of contradictions; kind to some, vengeful to others; angelic at times, demonic at others? No one knows, we are just presenting the facts as they have been told by persons who were there. People will just have to come and meet "Kate" and draw their own conclusions. One thing is for sure, this true story from an unseen evil is chilling and utterly unforgettable.

In pre-production of the film, to bring the daily activities of an early 1800's Tennessee settlement to life, the costumes were designed with respect to the rural location, keeping in mind the change of costume periods between the late 1700's and early 1800's in America. More simple clothes were representative of the folks of the area and, therefore, created more of a contrast with the more elaborate costumes for visitors from outside Robertson County, Tennessee, especially larger cities or the east coast.

As for scouting locations in pre-production for the project, over a two month time span Ric and I visited private homes and many historic sites, including homes, churches, and parks where either the outside facade or the interior of the buildings needed to suite the period of time for the shooting of the film which was 1817 to 1821. The largest obstacle in this endeavor was finding buildings with no telephone poles, electric wires or any other modern inventions blocking the shots. Well, finally we found scenic Historic Rock Castle which made the perfect property to shoot inside and outside the home. With the help of Tom Varenchick, Rock Castle's resident director, as our advisor for period correctness in clothes, props and customs we were able to add value to many scenes, especially Betsy's party scene. And the beautiful old stone Cumberland Presbyterian Church located in Montgomery Bell State Park was discovered to our great surprise and joy. The feeling and look again was perfect for what we were looking for - small and just right for the revival scene. Now, we had a new challenge when we had to convert a room in a private residence in Old Hickory to look like the parlor of the Bell home - we needed one more room in addition to the Rock Castle accommodations. So a wood floor was put down, window treatments added, antiques brought in and a new paint job for the room; the perfect Bell parlor emerged! Now our sites were ready for filming! And finally,Johnny Gerhart, our cinematographer, used creative ideas to bring our ghost story to life. Thanks Johnny!

The filming of the movie was a pleasure because we worked with superb actors. They strived to make a film they could be proud of in every way. Ric and I can't say enough about the great cast.

What would we do without a great looking, smooth working and informative website? Willing Hearts Productions certainly appreciate the creative website Theresa and Tracey Wade built for our feature film "The Bell Witch Haunting".