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kest-han (Customer) asked a question.

TaskNetworkTimeoutSeconds is invalid

i use ue5.3.2,update eossdk to 1.16.3,  when i set the param: EOS_Platform_Options.TaskNetworkTimeoutSeconds to 90, that is invalid! please help me!


in OnlineSubsystemEOS.cpp

  1. bool FOnlineSubsystemEOS::PlatformCreate()
  2. {
  3. //...........Omit the above
  6. EOS_Platform_Options PlatformOptions = {};
  7. PlatformOptions.ApiVersion = EOS_PLATFORM_OPTIONS_API_LATEST;
  9. PlatformOptions.ClientCredentials.ClientId = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ArtifactSettings.ClientId.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : (const char*)ClientIdUtf8.Get());
  10. PlatformOptions.ClientCredentials.ClientSecret = ArtifactSettings.ClientSecret.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : (const char*)ClientSecretUtf8.Get();
  11. PlatformOptions.ProductId = ArtifactSettings.ProductId.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : (const char*)ProductIdUtf8.Get();
  12. PlatformOptions.SandboxId = ArtifactSettings.SandboxId.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : (const char*)SandboxIdUtf8.Get();
  13. PlatformOptions.DeploymentId = ArtifactSettings.DeploymentId.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : (const char*)DeploymentIdUtf8.Get();
  14. PlatformOptions.EncryptionKey = ArtifactSettings.EncryptionKey.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : (const char*)EncryptionKeyUtf8.Get();
  15. PlatformOptions.bIsServer = IsRunningDedicatedServer() ? EOS_TRUE : EOS_FALSE;
  16. PlatformOptions.Reserved = nullptr;
  18. double timeout = 90;
  19. PlatformOptions.TaskNetworkTimeoutSeconds = &timeout;
  21. //..............
  22. }








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  • SebBergy (Epic Games)

    Hello, the double is declared in the function. Once this function executes, it will go out of scope. Therefore TaskNetworkTimeoutSeconds will be pointing to an invalid pointer. Try declaring it as a class member variable rather than a variable in this function.

TakefumiNakayama (Customer) asked a question.

Is the value of EOS_P2P_OnPeerConnectionEstablishedInfo::NetworkType correct?

Hello, I have a question.

I am using SDK 1.15.5.


I am setting up a callback using EOS_P2P_AddNotifyPeerConnectionEstablished().


The member variable NetworkType of the EOS_P2P_OnPeerConnectionEstablishedInfo type argument to this callback seems to be incorrect, is this a known issue?


The value "Relayed" is set even though there is a direct connection.

when connecting to clients A and B, it may be Direct on the A side and Relayed on the B side.


I am connecting to a Windows application and various consoles.


Thank you.


Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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  • TakefumiNakayama (Customer)



    Thank you for your reply.

    Due to circumstances I can't try it right away, but I will try it later.


    Thank you.


撸加冰 (Customer) asked a question.

Unable to use third-party verification of identity documents


I am a developer from China, my English is not good, so I am using a translation program, maybe some translations are not quite correct.



Our Chinese ID card, is the left side for information and the right side for photo.

And the third party verified ID requirement is right side information left side photo, which is the opposite of our ID card, so it can't pass the verification anyway.

I even tried to take the ID card upside down.


I tried to create a private discussion, but I waited for a month without a reply.

Can you please help me to solve this problem, I am willing to cooperate with you as much as possible.QQ截图20240416215607

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  • ieuan.thomas (Epic Games)

    Hello. Unfortunately, we're not able to assist with this issue, and you'll need to work with the store team via the private discussion route to resolve this issue.

    I can see that your discussion has been triaged, and hopefully the team will be able to get back to you soon with a resolution.

JO_MFG (Customer) asked a question.

Anticheat heartbeat too frequent

I've implemented Easy Anticheat into our game and it works, but consumes far too much bandwidth. Upon inspection, a heartbeat occurs every two seconds (!), and the heartbeat exchange features the client sending 512 bits (!) to server each time. In a multiplayer game with dozens of players, this quickly devolves into the server getting swamped by heartbeat calls.


Is the EAC implemented correctly, or does this behavior indicate a bug? If this is intended behavior, is there some way to drastically reduce the heartbeat frequency?

1 of 5
  • SebBergy (Epic Games)

    The callbacks are driven by EOS_Platform_Tick. In theory you could tick the SDK less often. That isn't a good approach though, the SDK should ideally be ticked on every frame. We've seen odd issues if the SDK isn't ticked often. Changing when the messages are sent is the right approach for this.

kris.avalanche (Customer) asked a question.

Epic_ProductUser_ID from FriendsInterface for SendCustomInviteOptions?

EOS_CustomInvites_SendCustomInviteOptions expects an array of Epic_ProductUserId's for the target users. However the friends interface callback, EOS_Friends_GetFriendAtIndex only returns an EpicAccountId, EOS_UserInfo_QueryUserInfoCallbackInfo which then uses EOS_UserInfo_CopyUserInfo only contains an EpicAccountID, so if we want to send a custom invite to a friend how are we supposed to recieve the friends ProductUserId?


Why does the EOS sdk performs and fails multiple SDK Config Platform Update ? And Why the AntiCheatInterface does not call the OnClientActionRequiredCallbackInfo callback ?

Hello !



I'm trying to implement the Anti-Cheat Interface from the EOS SDK on our servers.

I initialize the sdk with ProductName (from DevPortal) and Product Version (set to 1.0 for testing).

I create the plateform instance with:

  • bIsServer with EOS_TRUE
  • ProductId with product id from dev portal
  • SandboxId with sandbox id from dev portal
  • DeploymentId with deployment id from dev portal
  • ClientCredentials with:
    • client id with client id from dev portal
    • client secret with client secret from dev portal

The associated Client and Policy is set to Trusted Server with the policy for Anti-Cheat and Connect



During the life cycle of our server, we can see in our logs that the first SDK Config Platform Update succeed:

LogEOS - Updating Platform SDK Config, Time: 0.000012

LogEOSAnalytics - Record Event: EOSSDK.HTTP.Complete <Redacted>

LogEOS - SDK Config Platform Update Request Successful, Time: 0.780730


But right after succeeding, it retries to update the config but this time failing:

LogEOS - Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 0.847772

LogEOS - Error response received from backend. ServiceName=[EOSAuth], OperationName=[TokenGrant], Url=[<Redacted>], HttpStatus=[401], ErrorCode=[errors.com.epicgames.common.oauth.invalid_client], NumericErrorCode=[1011], ErrorMessage=[Invalid Client: <Our-Client-ID>], CorrId=[<Some-Corr-Id>]

LogEOSAnalytics - Record Event: EOSSDK.HTTP.Complete <Redacted>

LogEOSConnect - ConnectClientAuthTask Failure

LogEOSAnalytics - Unable to get the client auth token. Last result: EOS_Auth_WrongClient

 LogEOS - SDK Config Product Update Request Failed, Result Code: EOS_Auth_WrongClient, Retrying after 2.706844 seconds


And then proceeds in retrying with a backoff.

I checked the EOS_Auth_WrongClient error, and we do not have any aggreement not accepted and I triple checked (and copy paste) our config with our DevPortal and everything is set correctly.


This error are happening in LogLevel Warning. Should I ignore thoses error messages ?

We also have issues with our AntiCheatInterface and I suspect it is comming from the above error.


For our AntiCheat issue, I'm trying to Register a Client that will not register on his side (on the AntiCheat_ClientInterface)

After some time, we can see in the log that the SDK wants to kick the player but never actyally call the OnClientActionRequired callback:

LogEOSAntiCheat - [AntiCheatServer] [ClientTask] Client: 0x7fb6101ef4a0 TaskType: CCKET.

LogEOSAnalytics - Record Event: AntiCheatServer.Kick <Redacted>

LogEOSAntiCheat - [AntiCheatServer] Queueing action to remove Client: 0x7fb6101ef4a0 ActionReason: 3 Details: Authentication timed out (1/2)

LogEOSAnalytics - Record Event: AntiCheatServer.Auth <Redacted>

LogEOSAntiCheat - [AntiCheatServer] [ClientActionRequired] Deferring client action due to service or backend status. Client: 0x7fb6101ef4a0 Action: 1 ActionReason: 3 Details: Authentication timed out (1/2)


Since the config update fails, I suspect them overriding the first config that succeeded.

If you have some insight on what could be causing the multiple config update or why the anticheat server does not call the callback

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chobyh123 (Customer) asked a question.

EOS SDK Connect_Login And AntiCheatClient Failed.


After upgrading from EOS SDK version 1.15.3 to version 1.16.2, we're encountering an issue with the client-side code.

We've confirmed successful returns for Connect_Login callback (EOS_Success) and AntiCheat BeginSession (EOS_Success).

However, when sending messages to the AntiCheat server, we're receiving a response "AntiCheat Null Client." Upon checking the logs with EOS_Logging function, we're seeing logs indicating a failure in Connect with the format "Connect failed."


After a successful Connect_Login, is there anything else that needs to be done? We've confirmed that if it's an InvalidUser case, creating a new user with CreateUser resolves the issue and succeeds.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need further assistance.

Connect_Login Source

  1. EOS_HConnect ConnectHandle = EOS_Platform_GetConnectInterface(EasyAntiCheat::GetPlatformHandle());
  2. if(ConnectHandle)
  3. {
  4. debugf(TEXT("[EasyAntiCheat] Connect Login!"));
  5. Message = FString::Printf(TEXT("[EasyAntiCheat] Connect Login!"));
  6. EasyAntiCheat::GetEACInstance()->MakeLog(Message);
  7. EOS_Connect_Credentials Credentials = { 0 };
  9. Credentials.Token = EasyAntiCheat::GetEACInstance()->EncryptedSteamAppTicket;
  10. Credentials.Type = EOS_EExternalCredentialType::EOS_ECT_STEAM_APP_TICKET;
  11. EOS_Connect_LoginOptions Options = { 0 };
  12. Options.ApiVersion = EOS_CONNECT_LOGIN_API_LATEST;
  13. Options.Credentials = &Credentials;
  14. EOS_Connect_Login(ConnectHandle, &Options, nullptr, &ConnectLoginCompleteCb);
  15. }


Connect_Login CallBack

  1. if(LoginCallbackData->ResultCode == EOS_EResult::EOS_Success)
  2. {
  3. Message = FString::Printf(TEXT("[EasyAntiCheat] Connect Success!"));
  4. EasyAntiCheat::GetEACInstance()->MakeLog(Message);
  5. debugf(TEXT("[EasyAntiCheat] Connect Success"));
  6. LocalUserId = LoginCallbackData->LocalUserId;
  8. if(EasyAntiCheat::GetEACInstance()->BeginSession())
  9. {
  10. bOneTimeStart = TRUE;
  11. delete[] EasyAntiCheat::GetEACInstance()->EncryptedSteamAppTicket;
  12. return;
  13. }
  14. }
  15. else if(LoginCallbackData->ResultCode == EOS_EResult::EOS_InvalidUser)
  16. {
  17. if(LoginCallbackData->ContinuanceToken != NULL)
  18. {
  19. TempContinuanceToken = LoginCallbackData->ContinuanceToken;
  20. EOS_HConnect ConnectHandle = EOS_Platform_GetConnectInterface(EasyAntiCheat::GetPlatformHandle());
  21. if(ConnectHandle)
  22. {
  23. Message = FString::Printf(TEXT("[EasyAntiCheat] Connect InvalidUser!"));
  24. EasyAntiCheat::GetEACInstance()->MakeLog(Message);
  25. debugf(TEXT("[EasyAntiCheat] Connect InvalidUser"));
  26. EOS_Connect_CreateUserOptions CreateUserOptions = {};
  27. CreateUserOptions.ApiVersion = EOS_CONNECT_CREATEUSER_API_LATEST;
  28. CreateUserOptions.ContinuanceToken = TempContinuanceToken;
  30. EOS_Connect_CreateUser(ConnectHandle, &CreateUserOptions, nullptr, &OnConnectCreateUserCb);
  31. }
  32. }

EOS_Logging Log

  1. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOS) Default Network Status: EOS_NS_Online]
  2. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOS) [Boot] EOSSDK Version 1.16.2-32273396 booting at 2024-04-12T11:31:39.176Z using C]
  3. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOS) [Boot] EOSSDK Platform Properties [OS=Windows/10.0.19041.1741.64bit, ClientId=xyza7891c8jv0Uutzvp8lXRVP0Ps60ku, ProductId=9869d7abb2a246eabe9b0c634a9f27e6, SandboxId=4485a0778b9d488f98312211792207e4, DeploymentId=5840c8a7d7b34c2991b3fc0a658c86dd, ProductName=A.V.A, ProductVersion=1.0, IsServer=false, Flags=EnableD3D9Overlay+EnableD3D10Overlay+EnableOpenGLOverlay]]
  4. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSAnalytics) Start Session (User: ...)]
  5. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSOverlay) OverlayPath registry key found in HKCU]
  6. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSOverlay) Overlay library loaded, version ++EOSSDK+Release-Overlay-CL-25975892]
  7. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSOverlay) Beginning dxgi factory detour]
  8. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSOverlay) Factory detour complete]
  9. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSOverlay) Beginning swap chain detour]
  10. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSOverlay) Attempting to create swap chain using D3D11]
  11. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSOverlay) Successfully created swap chain using D3D11 with feature level b000]
  12. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSOverlay) Swapchain detour complete]
  13. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSOverlay) Overlay loaded and initialized]
  14. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSAnalytics) Record Event: SDKOverlayComponent.Init <Redacted>]
  15. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSUI) Social Overlay: Configuring intent payload handlers for FSocialOverlayJavascript]
  16. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Warning] (LogEOSUI) Hot key event ignored because there are no known users.]
  17. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Warning] (LogEOSAntiCheat) [AntiCheatClient] Anti-cheat client not available, using null client]
  18. [AVALOG][Platform Init Success!]
  19. [AVALOG][Connect Init Success!]
  20. [AVALOG][AntiCheat Init Success!]
  21. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOS) Updating Platform SDK Config, Time: 0.001426]
  22. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSAnalytics) Record Event: Overlay.OverlayLoaded <Redacted>]
  23. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSAnalytics) Record Event: Overlay.FactoryDetour <Redacted>]
  24. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSAnalytics) Record Event: Overlay.SwapchainDetour <Redacted>]
  25. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSAnalytics) Record Event: Overlay.ClientApi.ObserveBrowserStatus <Redacted>]
  26. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSAnalytics) Record Event: Overlay.ClientApi.RegisterKeyListener <Redacted>]
  27. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSOverlay) Module snapshot failed. Retrying]
  28. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSAnalytics) Record Event: EOSSDK.HTTP.Complete <Redacted>]
  29. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOS) SDK Config Platform Update Request Successful, Time: 1.208844]
  30. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSAnalytics) EOS SDK Analytics disabled for route [1].]
  31. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOS) Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 1.310932]
  32. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSAnalytics) Record Event: EOSSDK.HTTP.Complete <Redacted>]
  33. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSConnect) ConnectClientAuthTask Success]
  34. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSAnalytics) Start Session (User: ...)]
  35. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSAnalytics) Record Event: EOSSDK.HTTP.Complete <Redacted>]
  36. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOS) SDK Config Product Update Request Successful, Time: 2.321589]
  37. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOS) SDK Config Data - Watermark: -341829651]
  38. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOS) ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 2.321589, Update Interval: 320.523071]
  39. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSAnalytics) Record Event: EOSSDK.HTTP.Complete <Redacted>]
  40. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] Connect Login!]
  41. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSAnalytics) Record Event: EOSSDK.HTTP.Complete <Redacted>]
  42. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSConnect) FConnectClient::GetProductUserExternalAccountIdPrivate - TargetUserId not found in ExternalAccountInfoCache: 000...88e]
  43. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSMessaging) Attempting connection to Stomp. LocalUserId=[000...88e] Url=[<Redacted>]]
  44. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] Connect Success!]
  45. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSAntiCheat) [AntiCheatClient] AddNotifyMessageToServer bound with NotificationId=[32]]
  46. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSAntiCheat) [AntiCheatClient] EOS_AntiCheatClient_AddNotifyClientIntegrityViolated bound with NotificationId=[33]]
  47. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSAntiCheat) [AntiCheatClient] [BeginSession-003] Mode: 1]
  48. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSAntiCheat) [AntiCheatClient] [BeginSession-003] PlatformUserId: 000...88e AccessToken: <Redacted>]
  49. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] BeginSession Success!]
  50. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSAnalytics) Record Event: EOSSDK.HTTP.Complete <Redacted>]
  51. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSConnect) FConnectClient::CacheExternalAccountInfo - ProductUserId: 00029bede0e6435bb2d5c625c229688e, AccountType: 1, AccountId: 76561198011587536, DisplayName: <Redacted>]
  52. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSConnect) FConnectClient::GetProductUserExternalAccountIdPrivate - AccountIdType (0) not found in ExternalAccountInfoMapping. TargetUserId=00029bede0e6435bb2d5c625c229688e]
  53. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Warning] (LogEOSConnect) FConnectClient::ResolveProductUserIdMappingPrivate - GetProductUserExternalAccountIdPrivate Failed]
  54. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Info] (LogEOSMessaging) Successfully connected to Stomp. LocalUserId=[000...88e]]
  55. [AVALOG][[EasyAntiCheat] [Verbose] (LogEOSMessaging) Stomp subscribed to topic /5840c8a7d7b34c2991b3fc0a658c86dd/account/00029bede0e6435bb2d5c625c229688e]



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pyromonkeygg (Customer) asked a question.

We are experiencing some issues with redeem codes for our game Town of Salem 2.

I generated them via the Access Keys in the dev portal.


These codes are for testing purposes for our Stage build. The player is in our Player Group for the testing.


We have 2 other users that successfully used a code, but this user is having issues.


The redeem code does not show the splash art of the game, and it says 'unable to retrieve'.


The game does not show up in the players library. This is hampering our ability to test with a larger group of testers.

  • danual.gray (Epic Games)

    Hi there! Can you please follow up with us either via private case or email with your account management team? Troubleshooting this will require sensitive information that a public-facing case is unsuitable for. Thank you!

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