- The Washington Times - Friday, April 30, 2021

Rep. Liz Cheney was captured on camera exchanging a friendly fist bump with President Biden before the big speech to Congress on Wednesday.

A picture says 1,000 words, as they say.

Cheney, Wyoming Republican and one of President Donald Trump’s loudest haters, and Biden, the president who’s managed to move the goal post of American politics to the left of left, into socialist la-la land — fist-bumpers in arms. Comrades in arms.

Comrades united in arms against the limited government will of the founders. 

This is why Trump rose to political power, by the way. Conservatives ‘round the nation were sick and tired of their so-called representatives in office promising this on the campaign trail, promising that from the campaign stage, then heading to Washington, D.C., for some good ol’ behind-closed-door wheelings and dealings with the “other side.”

Conservatives don’t want Republicans on Capitol Hill making concessions to Democrats.

Conservatives want Republicans on Capitol Hill fighting for conservative principles, even when it means fighting against Democrats. Even when it means making a fight that seems futile by the numbers against Democrats. Are you listening, Sen. Mitch McConnell, the guy with the “don’t have the votes to beat the filibuster” sticker plastered to his head — which is the message he sent to MAGA types the entire opening months of Trump’s White House presidency, when Republicans held the clean sweep of both House and Senate?

Now Trump is gone.

Now Biden is here. The feckless Biden, who’s been pushed to support every progressive-socialist-globalist-collectivist agenda around the world, it seems.

Now it’s business as usual in the dark corners of Capitol Hill.

“I disagree strongly w/@JoeBiden policies,” Cheney tweeted to her critics. “[B]ut when the [p]resident reaches out to greet me in the chamber of the US House of Representatives, I will always respond in a civil, respectful & dignified way. We’re different political parties. We’re not sworn enemies. We’re Americans.”

OK to that. It’s good to be courteous. It’s Miss Manners-like to be polite.

But the question is: Why did Biden reach out so amicably, so buddy-buddy, so warmly and with such familiarity to Cheney in the first place? He didn’t to, say, Sen. Ted Cruz. He wouldn’t to, say, a Rep. Jim Jordan. Or a Rep. Louie Gohmert. Or a Sen. Rand Paul.

So why Cheney?

Because as much as Cheney likes to say she’s so different from Biden, the fact is, she’s not. They’re cut from the same political cloth. They’re two peas in the same globalist pod.

With Cheney, as with Biden, as with RINOs, as with Democrats, it’s all about the global government first — America second.

They get along because they go along down the same collectivist path.

That fist bump of Cheney to Biden — of globalist to globalist — is about all you need to know about where America’s headed in the next three-plus years.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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