The Meaning Behind The Song: OH NO,OH YES! by 竹内まりや (Mariya Takeuchi) - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: OH NO,OH YES! by 竹内まりや (Mariya Takeuchi)


The Meaning Behind The Song: OH NO,OH YES! by 竹内まりや (Mariya Takeuchi)

Here is a breakdown of the song details:

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
OH NO,OH YES! 竹内まりや (Mariya Takeuchi) 竹内まりや (Mariya Takeuchi) REQUEST (1987) August 12, 1987 Pop 山下達郎 (Tatsuro Yamashita)

The song “OH NO,OH YES!” was originally written and composed by Mariya Takeuchi for Akina Nakamori’s album CRIMSON in 1986. Mariya later released her own version on her self-cover album REQUEST in 1987. The song was produced by Tatsuro Yamashita.

Now let’s dive into the meaning behind the lyrics.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of “OH NO,OH YES!” convey the conflicted emotions of a person in a complex and passionate relationship. The verses depict a sense of urgency and longing, as the narrator hurries to meet their love interest while sacrificing their own happiness. However, despite the intensity of their feelings, they acknowledge the inherent wrongness and potential consequences of their relationship.

The chorus expresses this internal struggle, with conflicting statements of “Oh no, loving you is not right, but no, don’t take me home tonight, oh yes, so baby won’t you hold me tight.” It showcases the inner turmoil and desire for love and connection, even if it goes against societal norms and expectations.

The second verse further emphasizes the dissonance between the narrator’s emotions and the outside world. The dilapidated theater and closed pharmacy symbolize loneliness and isolation, contrasting with the happiness displayed by other couples on the street. The narrator’s love is bittersweet, as they lament the late timing of their encounter and the tears that accompany their emotions.

Overall, “OH NO,OH YES!” captures the complexity and conflict inherent in being drawn to someone against all rationality and logic. It portrays the yearning for love and acceptance, even when it goes against societal expectations and norms.

Personal Connection

As a fan of 80s Japanese pop music, “OH NO,OH YES!” holds a special place in my heart. The nostalgic melodies and heartfelt lyrics transport me to a different era, evoking a sense of longing and melancholy.

When I first listened to the song, I was captivated by Mariya Takeuchi’s mesmerizing vocals and the subtle instrumental arrangements. The emotional journey depicted in the lyrics resonated with me, as I have experienced the conflicting emotions and yearning for connection portrayed in the song.

There have been moments in my own life where I found myself caught in a whirlwind romance that defied reason and logic. The lyrics of “OH NO,OH YES!” reminded me of the rollercoaster of emotions that come with such relationships, where one is constantly torn between the joy of love and the fear of societal judgment.

Like the protagonist in the song, I too have experienced the hesitation and self-doubt that arises when embracing love that is considered unconventional or frowned upon. “OH NO,OH YES!” beautifully encapsulates the forbidden allure of such relationships, where passion and desire override societal expectations.

Listening to “OH NO,OH YES!” is a nostalgic and emotional experience for me. It not only reminds me of the beauty of 80s J-Pop but also resonates on a personal level, evoking memories and emotions tied to my own experiences with love and relationships.

In conclusion, “OH NO,OH YES!” by 竹内まりや (Mariya Takeuchi) is a poignant song that explores the complex emotions and conflicts that arise in forbidden love. Through its heartfelt lyrics and evocative melodies, it transports listeners to a time of nostalgia and introspection, inviting them to reflect on their own experiences with love and longing.

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