TRUNCATE | signification, définition dans le dictionnaire Anglais de Cambridge

Définition de truncate en anglais

Exemples de truncate

In this way, the approximation to the tip output excludes the contributions from the truncated high-order modes.
The remainder of the analysis parallels what we have already done to perturb the - truncated rescaled n-catenoid.
Surplus for each regime when promised utilities are truncated at autarky.
Two important cases are covered by this strategy: (1) the truncated pyramid, (2) n-calotte.
Where should we truncate the potentially large set of equations containing a myriad of unknown parameters?
The numbers of offspring per male were truncated at 100, because differences in fertility beyond 100 may not be reliable.
The section on economic development issues is especially truncated in terms of the specific issues it addresses.
The thrust truncates a number of vertical mafic layers in the footwall block.
One could therefore anticipate a right truncated distribution of litter sizes and consequently a small variance for high producing sows.
In cases in which an individual has more actual years of salary history than the specified service years, we truncated the known salary history.
In doing this, we truncate the fast transients of the flexible dynamics and keep only that of the rigid dynamics.
Some of the historical material is similarly truncated.
Moreover, the tediously long quotes could have been considerably truncated, eliminated, or relegated to footnotes.
The distributions of most of the service utilization and economic data were truncated and highly skewed, as is often found with this kind of data.
Thus, the country's civic laws, institutions, and associations remain severely truncated and deformed.
Aucune opinion exprimée dans les exemples ne reflète l'opinion des éditeurs de Cambridge Dictionary, de Cambridge University Press ou de ceux leur ayant concédé une license.

Traductions de truncate

en chinois traditionnel
en chinois (simplifié)
en portugais
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An unvarnished statement is expressed in a plain and honest way.

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